11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional StudiesCollege of Graduate andProfessional Studiesexpected to articulate how the discipline has contributed to theirindividual growth in writing or during the year-end review.California Marriage and Family Therapy Licensingrequirementse MA degree in Counseling Psychology - Holistic with aspecialization in Expressive Arts, Holistic Studies, IntegralPsychotherapy, Somatic Psychology and Transpersonal Psychologymeets the educational requirements for the MFT license. Licensingstatutes and regulations are subject to future legislative oradministrative revisions. (Counseling psychology students will bekept informed about MFT licensing requirements and changes asthey occur.)A description of the requirements of the law (Business andProfessional Code §§4980.37 and 4980.38), and the way in whichthe program meets these requirements are available from theCollege of Graduate and Professional Studies.LPCC Licensing RequirementsFor students interested in being eligible for the LPCC license, youmust take additional courses and accrue additional client hoursduring your practicum. In addition to the courses on your flowchart,which meet Marriage and Family erapy (MFT) licensingrequirements for the state of California, you will need to add thefollowing courses to be eligible for the LPCC license:1. PSy 5780: eories of Career Development (4.5)2. PSy 5405: Psychological Testing (3)3. PSy 5054: Research Methods (3)4. PSy 5406: Psychopharmacology (3)Transpersonal Students will also need to add:5. SPC 5621: Somatic Psychology Approaches to Trauma andPTSD B (2)6. SPC5612: Supervised Practicum in Somatic Psychology:Somatic Trauma Approaches (.5)Also be aware that you will need to complete a minimum of 280face-to-face client hours during your practicum year in yourprogram. MFT students need to complete 225 hours, If you areunable to complete 280 hours during 4 quarters, you will berequired to complete a 5th quarter or more of field placement.Performance review and evaluationFollowing admission, there is an ongoing evaluation of eachstudent’s academic performance and readiness to continue in theprogram. When an evaluation indicates that a student’sperformance falls below the standards of the Department ofCounseling Psychology, a student may be required to take additionalcoursework, complete additional supervised field experience,undertake personal growth work, take a leave of absence, orwithdraw from the program. e final decision is made by theDepartment chair in consultation with the dean of College.After one year in the program and completion of the courses listedbelow, students are given a year-end progress review. is year-endreview is a supportive team process involving the review of writtenfaculty feedback and evaluation, grade standing, and an assessmentof the individual’s overall readiness to proceed further in theprogram.Center for holistic Counselinge Center for Holistic Counseling in Oakland provides supervisedtraining for advanced students in the counseling psychologyprogram and offers high-quality, affordable psychotherapy to thecommunity. e Center has provided comprehensive andconfidential counseling services to the diverse ethnic andsocioeconomic communities of the East Bay for over 25 years.e Center offers a safe setting where adults, children, adolescents,and seniors have the opportunity to find inner strength anddirection through personal counseling. Clients are activelysupported as they grow personally and spiritually from thechallenges and joy found in their everyday experiences andrelationships. A wide variety of issues are addressed, includingfamily conflicts and parenting, relationship problems, anxiety anddepression, sexuality, grief, and spiritual crises.e Counseling Center provides a one-year traineeship for studentspreparing for MFT license. Advanced students are offered asupportive atmosphere to work with clients in a therapeutic setting.e center also helps students ground their spiritual aspirations inpractical service to others. Students receive extensive training inclinical skills, while working with individuals, children, couples,families, and groups under the supervision and guidance ofexperienced, licensed therapists.Program Learning OutcomesStudents completing the MA in Counseling Psychology - Holisticwill be able to:• Display the capacity to build a therapeutic relationship withclient;• Demonstrate a high level of clinical skills;• Articulate theoretical comprehension and apply criticalthinking;• Exhibit holistic self-awareness; and• Articulate and apply the principles of the programspecializations (Transpersonal, Somatic, Holistic, Integral orExpressive Arts).Specialization in expressive artse Master of Arts (MA) in Counseling Psychology – Holistic,specializing in Expressive Arts prepares students for careers aspsychotherapists with a special emphasis on multi-modalexpressive arts approaches to psychotherapy. is program isoffered at our San Jose campus only.is degree specialization offers a strong foundation in basiccounseling theory and practice. e program combines theoreticaland experiential learning modalities and emphasizes personalgrowth and development. Students engage in self-reflectionthroughout the program. Core coursework allows students theopportunity to develop awareness of their own process whiledeveloping counseling, interpersonal, and communication skills.Students also explore the integration of the expressive artsincluding, dance, visual art, music, drama and poetry in their workthrough content in holistic psychotherapies, expressive artsinterventions and humanistic psychology.e Expressive Arts specialization utilizes many of the samemethods as traditionally-oriented therapies and also incorporatesart-based interventions that help clients externalize internal94 College of Graduate and Professional Studies JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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