11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsCollege of Graduate andProfessional Studiessustainable gardens, programs in schools and communities, andother innovations are examined.hhe 5175 holistic approaches to WeightManagement 3Approaches to weight management are examined, including analternative model of looking at weight and size – Health At EverySize. Working to include a holistic perspective, specific weightmanagement situations are a focus. Weight and fitness issues andthe connection between diet, exercise, self-esteem, and socialsupport are presented as essential components of sound, healthy,weight management. The psychology behind issues related tonourishment and poor body image are considered in this course,along with socio-cultural factors that play a role. Eating as a mindfulspiritual practice is also incorporated into this holistic approach toweight management. Prerequisites: HHE 5156.hhe 5181 embodied Learning: a Toolbox for educatorsand Coaches 3This course is for educators (including teachers, trainers, healtheducators, etc.) and coaches who wish to develop their capacity towork with students and clients in an embodied way. Drawing uponthe concepts and practices of experiential learning,transformational learning, and somatic awareness, we will explorethe theories and practices that will enable us to develop ourcapacities as educators and coaches to be fully present in thelearning or coaching relationship. We will investigate how we canfacilitate the experience of embodiment and the integration ofembodied experience for sustainable learning and transformation.This course will be highly experiential, and students will beexpected to participate in and lead frequent somatic experientialexercises.hhe 5183 Starting an integrative Center 2Since the early 90s, many integrative center prototypes have beentried and inherent business challenges have been discovered. Somecenters have survived and some have not. For a center to besuccessful, the business model must be as developed as the vision.In this course, students will research what kind of integrativecenters are currently in operation nationally. We will investigate themodels that have been successful and see how those best practicescould be combined with the student’s vision for starting anintegrative center. Students will work step by step on developing aninitial business plan. Prerequisite: HHE 5001.hhe 5200 research in health education a 3Whether for their own practice or for a mainstream organization,the health educator needs to be prepared to find, understand, andevaluate public health or medical articles written by experts in thefield. They also need to know, through systematic evaluation,whether their programs are having an impact on the targetpopulation. This course helps develop these core health educatorskills: research literature assessment, data interpretation, surveydevelopment, research design methods, population management,and program analysis. Students will gain essential hands-onexperience with both quantitative and qualitative researchmethods. They will design a health study, conduct literature reviewsand analysis, hold a focus group meeting in the community, anddevelop their own survey. Prerequisites: HHE 5007; HHE 5120;HHE 5158.hhe 5225 Foundations of holistic health education 2This course overviews a holistic approach to health education. Thiscourse considers holistic health as an interdisciplinary field andlook at its defining terms and how they are used. We discuss therole of the holistic health educator and various professional andethical considerations inherent in that role. We look into variousholistic theories as tools for analyzing and understanding healthand health education. We begin to identify issues and questions ofimportance to the field and to us personally and professionally, suchas health education for the “whole person;” shifting from adisease-focused to a health-focused health paradigm; wellness andthe salutogenic approach to health promotion; self-care; andspirituality and health. Prerequisite: HHE 5001.hhe 5340 Support Group Facilitation 2Students gain both a theoretical understanding of support groupsas well as practical knowledge with respect to planning andfacilitating a support group. We discuss the differences betweensupport groups and other kinds of educational or therapeuticgroups, look at the particular skills a facilitator must cultivate, andtalk about common issues and problems. Each week the studentswork on one aspect of developing their own group so that by theend of the course they have created a session-by-session model ofa support group on a theme of their choice.hhe 5425 Moving and Sensing 3Movement expresses various qualities, structured, free-flowing,linear, waving, fast, slow, etc., and happens on all different levels:from visible externally to barely felt on the inside. Sensations arethe very flesh of our inner experience, though our kinesthetic sensehas often been overlooked. This course presents a conceptual andexperiential inquiry into moving and sensing, covering currentmovement/somatic approaches. Students will explore movementand develop tools to enrich their own sensory awareness as well asto facilitate such growth in clients or students.hhe 5429 Whole-health Coaching Foundations 3An introduction to coaching skills coming from a holistic/integralperspective to prepare participants to assist others and themselvesin a change process. This is an educational offering that is based onevidence based practice and theory. The course work presents skillsthat enable students to carefully co-create an interactive, embodiedconversation that will invite and encourage growth and progressfor all those it touches. These skills can be applied to a clinical,organizational and leadership setting. This course provides anunderstanding and practice of coaching principles such as corecoaching competencies, readiness for change and transition theory,energy anatomy in coaching, personal constitution. Prerequisite:HHE 5001.hhe 5430 Whole health Coaching Practicum 3Building on the Whole Health Coaching Foundations Course tosupport students as they apply the principles to an expandedversion of individual and group coaching. Additional theory ispresented that makes the coaching interaction richer and morecomprehensive. Practice with coaching competencies and toolsincreases the students’ coaching effectiveness. Time will be spentdiscussing practice structure for coaching such as fee setting,marketing and coach-client agreements. Participants who haven130 College of Graduate and Professional Studies JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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