11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsPSd 7309 Topics in doctoral Psychology 1 - 3various elective courses are taught according to student and facultyinterest. For example, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.issuesin psychotherapy, advanced theory courses,, and psychology oftrauma.PSd 7330 Case Management/Practicum 0 - 3Review of psychological states and psychopathology issues forculturally diverse clients through a survey of literature and casepresentations. Also includes Externship supervision andAssessment Practicum.PSd 7400 internship 4.5 - 9Students will apply for approved internship sites anywhere in thecountry that are consistent with their individual interests, trainingneeds, and professional goals. Students will build competency inthe diverse clinical skills required of a professional psychologist.Students are required to complete either one full-time, yearlonginternship or two-half-time, yearlong internships completed overtwo years’ time.PSd 7601 internship application and interviewProcess 0This is not a course of study but, rather, is required meetings withthe training office to inform students and answer questionsregarding the application and interview process for internships.PSd 7602 Summer Field Placement 0Summer field placement.PSd 7604 Summer internship Placement 0For half-time internship students who either need to finish hoursor attend early orientation.PSd 7995 independent Study 1 - 4Allows for individual study in a special interest area not offered asa regular course. To be arranged with consent of instructor.SPOrT PSYChOLOGY [PSP] CoursesPSP 5280 Fieldwork 4<strong>Cover</strong>s field placement and individual and group supervision. Thefield-placement aspect requires students to intern at a site workingwith athletes and applying skills learned in the class room.Individual and group supervision involves one-on-one meetings,discussions, case presentations, and role-playing and covers ethicalissues. Provides students with a supportive environment fordiscussion and for exploring issues which pertain to their fieldworkexperience. This course may be retaken for additional credit.Prerequisites: PSP 5815, PSP 5816, PSP 5800A, PSP 5811, PSP 5826,PSP 5803A.PSP 5800a Sport Psychology a 3This is one of the main introductory courses in the SportPsychology Program. It covers.the main theoretical approaches inthis area. The course will encourage students to begin to thinkcritically about the research presented and how it relates to workingin the field with performers. Prerequisite: PSP 5808.PSP 5800B Sport Psychology B 2This is an advanced course that is the second in a two-part series.The main theoretical approaches in the field of sport psychologywill be revisited and addressed from an integrated perspective. Thestudents will be expected to synthesize the various theoreticalperspectives and research findings and show how this integratedperspective can help their work with performers. The course willcontinue to engage students to think critically about the researchpresented and how it relates to their work in the field as apractitioner. Prerequisite: PSP 5800A.PSP 5801 Supplemental Supervised Field Placement 0As part of the sport psychology program, all students must registerfor this course each quarter, as field work is an integral part of eachclass throughout the program.PSP 5803a ethics and Professional issues in SportPsychology a 2Examines ethical issues that impact the field of applied sportpsychology. Through reading, lecture, and interaction with anexperienced professional, students learn how ethical issuesinfluence consultation and develop ways to deal with ethicaldilemmas that may arise in sport psychology.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesPSP 5054 research Methods: Quantitative andQualitative 3Research methods allows a brief introduction to various forms ofresearch methods, both quantitative and qualitative, with particularattention to qualitative methods. The course will address issuesaround data collection, interviewing, and data analysis. The coursewill encourage students to focus on research that has been used intheir appropriate fields. It will help prepare students for the MAresearch project process and aid understanding of research onceworking as a practitioner.PSP 5803B ethics and Professional issues in SportPsychology B 1This is an advanced course in ethics and professionalism in the fieldof sport psychology. Students will explore ethical issues that occurwhile working as a consultant in sport psychology. Stu dents willcritically analyze research and newspaper articles that are pertinentto working in the field. Common ethical challenges will be discussedand ways of handling these situations will be addressed.Prerequisite: PSP 5803A.PSP 5804 assessment Strategies 2Examines a variety of assessment methods used to gain informationfrom athletes, coaches, or teams utilizing sport psychologyprofessionals. Topics to be covered include the role of assessmentJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 147

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