11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionshSJ 9005 Personal Psychotherapy 0Students must register for this course when they have completedtheir personal psychotherapy requirement.hSJ 9015 Child abuse assessment and reporting 0This course covers topics including recognizing child abuse, sexualabuse, neglect, and physical and emotional abuse; legal definitionsof child abuse; legal reporting requirements; crisis intervention forvictims, families, and abusers; cross-cultural concerns;countertransference issues; and community resources.iPC 5172 Social and Cultural Psychology 3Examines existing research on the way human beings influence andaffect each other’s behavior in group settings, and explores integralperspectives of social change.iPC 5175 Somatic Psychology 2This course explores the basic concepts in the field of somaticpsychology. Through breath, movement, and the study of somaticprinciples, students examine the body/mind connection and theimportance of embodied life experiences.hSJ 9020 Special Topics 0This course is reserved for students who have returned to theprogram after an absence or who have transferred into this programfrom another program. This zero unit course offers no academiccredit, but allows students to enter into the appropriate course atthe department’s discretion. Students enrolling in this course willattend the same sessions and be responsible for the sameassignments as students enrolling in the appropriate course.Permission of the program is required to take this course. Offeredas needed; credit/no credit only.inTeGraL COunSeLinG PSYChOLOGY [iPC]CoursesiPC 5000 integral Psychology Orientation 0This course introduces new students to the Integral Psychotherapymaster’s degree program. This is a required no-cost, no-creditcourse that includes information for successful completion of theprogram.iPC 5161 integral Theory a 3This course begins with an introduction of the five elements of KenWilber’s integral theory, including quadrants, levels, lines, states,and types and examines their relevance as a framework for today’sworld. Topics include models of consciousness, premodern,modern, and postmodern perspectives, the relationship of Self/self,and the potential of integral psychology to deepen ourunderstanding of and help bring about personal psycho-spiritualdevelopment as well as social/global change.iPC 5177 enneagram assessment 3The Enneagram will be presented as a model for understandingdefense strategies against experiencing and expressing one’sessential self. The course will focus on developmental perspectivesof the shadow and the Holy Ideas of each of the 9 enneatypes, aswell as intersubjective dynamics.iPC 5179 Transpersonal Psychology 2This course explores the basic theorists in transpersonal psychologyincluding the work of Carl Jung, Roberto Assagioli, Stan Grof, andA.H. Almaas among others. Course also includes inquiry into statesof consciousness including meditation, dreams, and peakexperiences.inTeGraL PSYChOLOGY [iPP] CoursesiPP 5000 integral Psychology Orientation 0Introduces new students to the Integral Psychology master’s degreeprogram. This is a required no-cost, no-credit course that includesinformation for successful completion of the program.iPP 5005 research Preparation 0This course will present the requirements and expectations for keyprofessional courses in the second and third years of the program.This course will prepare students for IPP 5051–52 Integral ResearchA–B, externship, and the final integrative project or thesis. Studentswill begin to explore how to connect and extend their education andcoursework into areas of professional application.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesiPC 5162 integral Theory B 3Building on the foundation laid down in IPC 5161, this coursecontinues the inquiry into the nuances of integral theory. Inparticular, we will delve more deeply into Ken Wilber’s AQALtheory—studying the relationship between the domains ofsubjectivity, intersubjectivity, and objectivity. In addition, we willexplore how these three domains of reality interface at each level ofbeing in the world. Students will study the integral methodologicalpluralism (IMP) of Wilber’s more advanced writings. Prerequisites:IPC 5161iPC 5171 developmental Psychology 3Explores how the development of the self is conceptualized andperceived within a variety of perspectives including Piaget, Kegan,object-relations theory, and self-psychology. These theories will beexpressed within an integral development model.iPP 5007 Fundamentals of Psychology 3This course explores the major principles of psychoanalytic,behavioral and humanistic/existential perspectives within anintegral context and shows the importance of these principles forpsycho-spiritual development. Pre- or corequisite: COR 3145.iPP 5010 developmental Psychology 3Explores how the development of the self is conceptualized andperceived within a variety of perspectives including Piaget, Kegan,object-relations theory, and self-psychology. These theories will beexpressed within an integral development model. Pre- orcorequisite: COR 3145.JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 135

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