11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsCollege of Graduate andProfessional StudiesiPP 5012 effective Communication a: emotionaldynamics 3This course is an introduction to some basic principles andpractices of effective communication. Students explore the use ofcommunication in day-to-day life, relationships, counseling,teaching, employment settings, and in other contexts for workingwith people. Topics include presence, centering, listening skills, anddiscriminating between content and process.iPP 5013 effective Communication B:intersubjectivity 3This course continues to practice skills and principles of effectivecommunication: topics include emotional dynamics, conflictmanagement, and the importance of communication in social andglobal issues. Prerequisite: IPP 5012.iPP 5015 Social Psychology and SocialTransformation 3Examines existing research on the way human beings influence andaffect each other’s behavior in group settings, and explores integralperspectives for visionary leadership and social transformation.Prerequisite: IPP 5018.iPP 5017 integral Theory a 3This course begins with an introduction of the five elements of KenWilber’s integral theory, including quadrants, levels, lines, states,and types, and examines their relevance as a framework for today’sworld. Topics include models of consciousness, premodern,modern, and postmodern perspectives, the relationship of Self/self,and the potential of integral psychology to deepen ourunderstanding of and help bring about personal psycho-spiritualdevelopment as well as social/global change. Prerequisite: COR3145.iPP 5018 integral Theory B 3Building on the foundation laid down in IPP 5017, this coursecontinues the inquiry into the nuances of integral theory. Inparticular, we will delve more deeply into Ken Wilber’s AQALtheory—studying the relationship between the domains ofsubjectivity, intersubjectivity, and objectivity. In addition, we willexplore how these three domains of reality interface at each level ofbeing in the world. Students will study the integral methodologicalpluralism (IMP) of Wilber’s more advanced writings. Prerequisite:IPP 5017.iPP 5020 Cognitive Theory 2Explores the integral power of cognitive theory, the nature ofconditioning, and the role of mental schemas in constructingmeaning and interpreting reality.iPP 5023 Jung and archetypal Psychology 2This course will push beyond the basics of Jungian and arche typalpsychology to discuss the uses of his key concepts as a path fortransformation. “No one grows alone,” said Jung, and our journeythrough his thought and some of its offshoots, including the workof James Hillman, will reflect off the alchemical image of thechymical wedding to discuss individuation as a practice ofconsciousness between people as well as within the self. We willalso consider Jung’s claim that alchemy, the ancient art ofgold-making, was a historical counterpart and forerunner of Jung’scomplex psychology.iPP 5025 Somatic Psychology: integrating Body andSoul 2This course explores the basic concepts in the field of somaticpsychology. Through breath, movement, and the study of somaticprinciples, students examine the body/mind/soul connection andthe importance of embodied life experiences.iPP 5027 integral Spirituality and Practice 2This course explores different spiritual traditions and meditativepractices within the context of an integral model.iPP 5029 integral Field Course 2This course provides students an opportunity to learn how to applyintegral theory to real-world situations. The course is designed inpartnership with local organizations, oriented around field tripsand daily activities, and involves guided reflection processes. Inboth its design and curriculum, this course provides atransformative, insightful, and service-oriented educationalexperience.iPP 5030 Psyche and nature 3This course focuses on the relationship between psyche and nature.Environmental psychology, ecological psychology, eco-psychology,and conservation psychology will be addressed with an integralcontext.iPP 5031 evolutionary Psychology: Time, instinct andSpirit 2Evolutionary psychology draws on evolutionary biology,paleoanthropology, genetics, and cognitive psychology to understand the mind from an evolutionary perspective. This courseexplores intrapsychic processes, cooperation, mating and sex,parental care, perception and language, and environmentalaesthetics. These explorations will be situated within an integralframework that includes the evolution of consciousness and humanpotential. Prerequisite: IPP 5017.iPP 5021 integral applications to Global and Socialissues 2This course will.explore how integral theory is being applied toglobal and social issues. Students will learn about integral worktaking place in various countries to address poverty, theenvironment, post-war trauma, leadership, good governance,community well-being, and HIv/AIDS. Students will develop theirown integral application to an issue of concern.iPP 5032 integral Spirituality 2This course explores the following questions: How will religion andspirituality evolve in the 21 st Century?.How might the insights ofmodernity and post-modernity impact and inform ancient wisdomtraditions?.What is the relationship between spirituality and theevolving brain?.How are we to create new spiritual visions andcontemplative practices that can respond adequately to thepersonal, social and planetary challenges of our times?.The course136 College of Graduate and Professional Studies JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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