11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsCollege of Graduate andProfessional Studiesin the initial stages of work with athletes, methods of informalassessment, sport-specific assessment tools, issues of reliability andvalidity with instruments, and the ethical use of measures in thepractice of sport psychology. Online or in residence.PSP 5805 Psychopathology assessment 3Addresses psychological disorders from a clinical standpoint whileemphasizing their relation to consulting with teams, athletes, andthe field of sport psychology. Students gain a working knowledge ofpsychopathology in order to identify cases requiring referral. Onlineor in residence.PSP 5808 introduction to Sport Psychology 1This course provides an introduction to the field of sportpsychology, a general overview of theory and research in sportpsychology. Professional issues in the field are addressed, andstudents are introduced to sport psychology techniques used byconsultants.PSP 5809 introduction to Sport Management 2This course will provide an overview of the sport managementindustry and its various models. An understanding of intercollegiateand professional athletics will be covered as well as information onthe current and future challenges of the field of sport management.PSP 5810 Sport and Society 2Examines the role of sport in society and the interplay between thetwo. Includes such aspects as cultural and gender issues, effect ofsport on development of youth, and the potential of sport as avehicle for social change.PSP 5811 Counseling Skills a 3Introduction to basic counseling skills and techniques relevant tosport psychology consulting in a safe and supervised environ ment.Included are tools for building rapport, empathy, listening andlife-development skills, treatment versus consulting, ethics, closure,and termination. Students will also develop skills in presenting sportpsychology intervention material.PSP 5812 Counseling Skills B 3This course goes into more depth in scope of practice, ethics, dualrelationships, and the referral process for sport psychologyconsultants. Students acquire consulting role-play and vignetteexperience, explore how a consultant works with the dynamics ofteam and group issues, and examine in-depth sport psychologycases for individuals and teams. Prerequisite: PSP 5811.PSP 5814 Comprehensive exploration of diversity inSport 2This course is designed to offer students an overview of historicaland current topics relevant to the understanding of diversity insport. Students will be exposed to the historical context of howdiversity issues have impacted the development of sport. Studentswill understand the complex nature of gender, ethnicity,socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, age, and disability as itrelates to current sport practices. Students will also be exposed topractical strategies for facilitating acceptance of diversity withinindividual and team sports.PSP 5815 Performance enhancement a 3Theory and practice of optimal performance are explored in therealm of sport behavior. Includes motivation theory, stressmanagement, visualization, and mental rehearsal.PSP 5816 Performance enhancement B 3Focus is on individual and team consultation. Features role-play,case study, and videotaping. Coursework includes introduction toexternal field placement opportunities. Second half of a two-quartersequence with PSP 5815. Prerequisite: PSP 5815 (with sameinstructor or consent).PSP 5817 Performance enhancement C 3This advanced optimal-performance course emphasizes sportpsychology skill development and addresses different styles ofconsulting. Students will be challenged by case studies and willrole-play actual consulting scenarios in which they can develop andrefine their own consulting style with feedback from their peers.Prerequisite: PSP 5816.PSP 5820 Psychology of Coaching 2Different philosophies of coaching with a range of athletepopulations. Applied psychology provides the foundation to studycommunication, interpersonal dynamics, decision making andauthority, group cohesion, and athlete motivation.PSP 5821 Gender issues in Sport 2This course examines the role of women in sports both as athletesand consultants. Students will explore the history of women insports as well as identifying important issues to consider whenworking with female athletes.PSP 5822 Social Bases of Behavior Sport 3A foundation of knowledge in the sport psychology field relevantto the social bases of behavior in team sport. Students will gainknowledge regarding theories and research explicating themechanisms of the impact of group and team membership onindividual behavior in sport. Students will utilize this knowledge ofsocial psychological factors, the psychology of group interpersonalcommunication, and theory of group development and dynamicsto inform their team-building interventions in applied sportpsychology. Students will have the opportunity to learn teambuilding and communication skills and strategies that will enablethem to develop a consulting style for working effectively withteams. The course will examine the practical and theoreticalapplication of group process in relation to working in the field ofsport psychology. The students will gain an understanding of groupdynamics and will be able to use this knowledge with diversepopulations. The course will provide hands-on training in how toteach and implement these strategies and skills when working withgroups. Students will learn to recognize ethical issues in relation toworking with groups and will examine their interpersonal andprofessional style.148 College of Graduate and Professional Studies JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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