11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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General Informationeffective fall 2007, courses transferred from California universitiesor community colleges bearing either the UC or CSU designationwill be eligible for transfer, unless the course is determined to bevocational in nature. examples of vocational courses includeplumbing, hvAC, and automotive courses. Beginning fall 2007,computer and technology courses are eligible for transfer. to beeligible for transfer, courses must also meet all other <strong>University</strong>requirements as stated earlier in this section and elsewhere in thiscatalog.Courses transferred from California universities and communitycolleges prior to fall 2007 are eligible for transfer if they bear theUC designation. other courses are considered for transfer on acase-by-case basis and may not be eligible for transfer even if theybear the CSU designation. vocational courses are not eligible fortransfer and neither are computer and technology courses.General-Education Breadthis group of requirements applies to all baccalaureate students.Some programs may have additional requirements. Allrequirements for lower- and upper-division general-educationbreadth must be satisfactorily completed. Upper-divisionrequirements are indicated in the BA and the BS programdescriptions in the College of Undergraduate Studies section of thecatalog.Courses taken to fulfill the general-education breadth requirementscannot be used to satisfy a requirement of the major, core, or track.Consult the registrar’s office for appropriate use of any courses inlower- and upper-division general-education breadth areas.Students must complete 45 units in lower-divisiongeneral-education breadth. Some upper-division courses offered bythe College of Undergraduate Studies may be applied to thelower-division general-education breadth requirements. e list ofapproved courses is available from the College of UndergraduateStudies and the registrar’s office.Applicants to JFK <strong>University</strong> BA and BS degree programs will beconsidered to have fulfilled all lower-division general-educationbreadth requirements provided any of the following are true:• Applicant has a BA or BS degree from a regionally accreditedcollege or university (or the equivalent); or• Applicant has a California AA, AS, AAt or ASt degree; or• Applicant has an IGetC or CSU certification.Applicants who have other degree titles—or who are applying toother degree titles—will not receive a blanket waiver forlower-division general-education breadth. ese students areeligible to apply to JFK <strong>University</strong> baccalaureate programs, but theircredits will be transferred on a course-by-course basis. Aftertransfer credit is awarded, these applicants must satisfy allremaining general-education breadth requirements.Lower-division requirements are outlined below:• Composition: nine units of composition, up to four and half ofthose nine units may be satisfied with a critical thinking course.• Mathematics: three units, one college-level mathematics course.• Natural Science: nine units chosen from courses in the physicaland life sciences.• Humanities: twelve units chosen from courses in at least two ofthe following areas: the arts (theory, history, or literaturepertaining to the arts); literature; philosophy; religion,humanities (interdisciplinary courses combining the previousfour areas); and foreign languages.• Social Science: twelve units chosen from courses in at least twoof the following areas: cultural anthropology; cultural geography;business economics; history; political science; psychology; socialscience; and sociology.Extension and Correspondence CoursesA maximum of 36 quarter units of extension or correspondencework from accredited institutions may be used to satisfy degreerequirements. no more than 18 of the 36 units will be allowedtoward completion of upper-division requirements. Credit will notbe allowed for Continuing education Units (CeUs).Advanced PlacementLower-division credit will be applied to the general-educationbreadth areas if appropriate or to the elective area for studentsreceiving a score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement (AP)examinations. e number of units awarded is based on therecommendations of the American Council on education (ACe).e <strong>University</strong> does not allow AP credit if it duplicates credit earnedfor a college course.College Level Examination ProgramCollege Level examination Program (CLeP), a national testingprogram, assesses knowledge an individual already possesses.Undergraduate students may use CLeP tests to increase the numberof lower-division transfer units and to fulfill lower-division breadthrequirements. Graduate students can fulfill undergraduateprerequisite courses through CLeP.General examinations in english composition, mathematics,humanities, natural science, social sciences, and history may beaccepted to fulfill some lower-division general-education breadthrequirements. A maximum of nine quarter units may be allowedfor each general examination for which a student receives a passingscore. Subject examinations are also available for college-levelcourses and credit is allowed as recommended by the AmericanCouncil on education.e amount of credit awarded for a CLeP examination dependsupon a number of variables including the number of units anddistribution of units previously accepted in transfer, prior coursescompleted, where prior transfer units were completed, and currentstatus relative to the <strong>University</strong>’s residency policy.e <strong>University</strong> does not allow credit for a CLeP examination if (1)the exam content would duplicate transfer credit previouslyawarded for a college course; or (2) the exam content is at anacademic level below one at which the student has previouslydemonstrated competence (academic regression). Units awardedfor CLeP examination do not fulfill residency requirements. eregistrar’s office should be contacted regarding the transferabilityand applicability of CLeP tests.Corporate or Government Agency Coursese American Council on education (ACe) reviews selectedcourses offered by corporations or government agencies. e6 General Information <strong>John</strong> F. KenneDy UnIverSIty

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