11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionshOLiSTiC COunSeLinG PSYChOLOGY [eXJ] CourseseXJ 5000 introduction to expressive arts TherapyProgram 0This course will introduce students to the Expressive Arts Therapyprogram, detail program requirements and student responsi bilities.All students entering the Expressive Arts Therapy.program arerequired to take this no-cost, no-credit course during their firstquarter.eXJ 5100 intensive Master Classes 1 - 5This course gives students in depth exposure to modalities andpractices in Expressive Arts Therapies with field experts to deepenclinical and educational arts based psychotherapy with individuals,groups and families. Master classes will be offered in a varietyof.modalities as well as multi-modal practices including but notlimited to: dance, music, visual arts, drumming, poetry,performance based and sand tray therapies.eXJ 5101–03 expressive arts:Group Process a–C 2/2/2Using expressive arts therapy counseling tech niques, studentsexamine and work with their own and others’ feelings, motivations,and patterns of behavior. Through class participation, studentslearn group theory and group facilitation skills. Must be taken inthree consecutive quarters during the first year of graduate study.eXJ 5105 expressive arts: TherapeuticCommunication a 3An introduction to the basic principles and practices of effec tivecommunication. Students explore the use of communication inday-to-day life, relationships, counseling, teaching, employ mentsettings, and other forms of working with people. Topics includepresence, centering, listening skills, and discriminating betweencontent and process. Topics will be explored from both a Holisticand Expressive Arts prospective.eXJ 5106 expressive arts: TherapeuticCommunication B 3This course will allow students to continue to practice Holistic andExpressive Arts counseling and communication skills and principleslearned in the first quarter. The major defense mecha nisms will beexamined and strategies explored to deepen thera peutic processand classroom participation. Training in recog nizing transferenceand countertransference issues and making effective therapeuticinterventions. Assessment of communica tion patterns indysfunctional, functional, and optimal individual and couple, family,and educational systems are explored. Pre requisite: EXJ 5105.eXJ 5200 Foundation of expressive arts 3The foundational class for the Expressive Arts specialization, thisclass provides a historic and theoretical overview and thetherapeutic use of the creative process. Participation includesexperiential exposure to a variety of visual, movement and otherarts modalities and media.eXJ 5210 Community arts Practice a 3Students participate and plan Master Class symposium to deepenskills of preparation of workshops and symposia. Organization,theme design, community performances/experiences and Masterclass instructors will be planned by students for the design andexecution of the third year of their cohort flow.eXJ 5211 Community arts Practice B 3Management and organization of the third year symposium will beexecuted by the students in this final segment of community artspractice. Planning, trouble shooting, arts experience andperformance as well as smooth flow of Master classes will bedelivered and evaluated by student and instructors.eXJ 5215 expressive arts: Marriage and FamilyCounseling a 3Introduction to the principles, methods and aesthetics of expressivearts therapy in marriage and family counseling including familysystems theories, methods for assessment of family interactionpatterns, and intervention strategies appropriate to different typesof family dysfunction. The relationship between family systems andprinciples of expressive arts are discussed. Prerequisite: EXJ 5121.eXJ 5216 expressive arts: Marriage and FamilyCounseling B 3Application of principles, methods and aesthetics of expressive artstherapy in marriage and family systems theory to specific familyproblems such as terminal illness, psychosomatic disor ders, andaddictive behavior. Prerequisite: EXJ 5215.eXJ 5350 Final integrative Project 1This course examines the philosophical, personal, and profes sionalissues raised in the course of graduate study in expressive artstherapy counseling psychology. Students develop an outline for anintegrative paper that includes their understanding of expressivearts therapy interventions, and their own personal growth work.This is the first in a two-course sequence.eXJ 5351 Final integrative Project B 2This is the second in a two-course sequence. Students completetheir integrative paper and give an oral presentation on their topic.Students take this course when ready to complete their paper.Prerequisites: EXJ 5350.hOLiSTiC heaLTh eduCaTiOn [hhe] Courseshhe 5001 introduction to hhe Program 0A required, no cost, no credit course for all students entering theprogram, it prepares students to get the most out of the programand lets them know what they need to do in order to complete it.hhe 5007 hhe research & Writing Basics 2This course is designed to provide students entering the HolisticHealth Education (HHE) MA program with a review of the criticalthinking, research, and writing skills that will serve as a foundationJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 127College of Graduate andProfessional Studies

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