11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsand intergenerational trauma will be addressed. Advanced phase 1and 2 skills of the trauma treatment model will be taught and phase3 skills will be introduced. Students will learn to help clients process,metabolize and integrate personal historical experiences of traumaas well as ongoing challenges with activation. This course draws onthe work of theorists such as Levine, Ogden, Rothchild, van derKolk, and others.SPC 5705 Counseling Case Seminar 3This course focuses on clinical case presentation for students in fieldplacement. Case presentations from the student’s current placementserve as a starting point for lecture, clinical discussion, explorationof diversity issues, role-play, and self-exploration within a somaticpsychology perspective. This class supports students in acquiringprofessional competence in the important clinical skill of casepresenting. Prerequisites: SPC 5762SPC 5760 Supplemental Fieldwork experienceMonitoring 1This course consists of individual consultations which reviewstudents’ progress in supplemental external fieldwork placement.Student and faculty meet a minimum of once per quarter to reviewplacement and evaluations and to fulfill BBS requirements for hoursof experience toward licensure. The permission of the programdirector and advisor is required. Prerequisites: Permission of theprogram director and advisor.SPC 5761–64 Field Placement a–d 3/3/3/3In this four-quarter sequence, the focus is clinical fieldwork undersupervision. Students train at community mental health sites,schools, hospitals, hospice centers, therapeutic nurseries, the <strong>JFKU</strong>Center for Holistic Counseling, or other sites. Students gainfirsthand knowledge and experience working with individuals,couples, and families. Supervision is provided by qualified, licensedtherapists. Permission of the program director is required.Prerequisites: Permission of the program director.SPC 5765 Field Placement 2This course may be required if a student needs any additionalquarters of clinical work.SPC 5792 Practice of Group Psychotherapy 2In this course, students receive comprehensive supervision for theirfield placement practice in group psychotherapy. MFT trainees whoare facilitating weekly therapy groups participate in groupsupervision for two hours each week. Students learn how to planand publicize a group and to maintain a therapeutic group culture.SPC 5793 Child and adolescent Therapy in theSchools 2Comprehensive training and supervision for the counseling ofchildren and adolescents in the school setting. MFT trainees workwith children and adolescents and participate in group supervisionfor two hours each week.SPC 5900 Topics in Somatic Psychology 1 - 3Topics vary and may be repeated for credit when the subject matterchanges.SPC 5993 Professional integrative Final Project a 1A personal reflection, research, and writing seminar which supportsstudents in organizing and writing the final project of the SomaticPsychology program. The class includes examination of theoretical,clinical, and personal issues raised in their course of graduate studyin somatic psychology. Students develop an outline for anintegrative paper about their work and explore their specialprofessional interests. This is the first in a two-course sequence.SPC 5994 Professional integrative Final Project B 2This is the second in a two-course sequence. Students complete anintegrative final project paper and give a presentation of their workwithin the class. Students take this course when ready to completetheir paper. Prerequisites: SPC 5993.SPC 9005 Personal Psychotherapy 0Students must register for this course in the quarter in which theyexpect to complete their personal psychotherapy requirement of 48therapy hours.SPC 9015 Somatic Counseling Psychology 0This course covers topics including recognizing child abuse, sexualabuse, neglect, and physical and emotional abuse; legal definitionsof child abuse; legal reporting requirements; crisis intervention forvictims, families, and abusers; cross-cultural concerns;countertransference issues; and community resources.SPC 9020 Special Topics 0This course is reserved for students who have returned to theprogram after an absence or who have transferred into this programfrom another one in the College of Graduate and ProfessionalStudies. This zero unit course offers no academic credit, but allowsstudents to enter into the appropriate course at the program’sdiscretion. Students enrolling in this course will attend the samesessions and be responsible for the same assignments as studentsenrolling in the corresponding course. Permission of the Programis required to take this course. Offered as needed; credit/no creditonly.TranSPerSOnaL PSYChOLOGY [TPC] CoursesTPC 5000 introduction to the TranspersonalPsychology Program 0This course will orient students to how the program flows and whatthey need to know in order to complete their program.TPC 5004–06 Group Process a–C 2/2/2In a group context, students use traditional and transpersonalcounseling techniques to examine and work with their own andothers’ feelings, motivations and patterns of behavior. TopicsCollege of Graduate andProfessional StudiesJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 159

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