11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsarTS & COnSCiOuSneSS [a&C] Coursesa&C 5010 image and Process 3An investigation into the integration of art, process and innerawareness. Exploration of artistic paradigms creates a broad basefor understanding creative growth and development. Integration ofthese principles into individual artwork is emphasized. SpecialRequirements or Information: Offered only in the Fall and MFArequirement.a&C 5100 introduction to Transformative arts 3An introduction to the various methodologies and theories relatedto the use of art and personal creativity as healing forces in theworld. A wide variety of topics are explored, includingpsychological, spiritual and shamanic approaches to artwork.Students are encouraged to draw from their own experiences ofcreativity and expression as a basis for work in class. Offered onlyin the Fall.a&C 5200 Transformative arts education 1 - 3A variety of course offerings provide an investigation into the useof creativity as a vehicle for human growth and healing. Coursesexplore aspects of creativity related to teaching, personal spiritualpractice, healing and emotional counseling. By participating in avariety of creative modalities, students simultaneously strengthentheir own creative processes and form a basis for future professionalpractice. Offered quarterly MATA requirement MFA electivea&C 5255 Transformative arts Seminar 3The seminar grants students the opportunity to share theirindividual creative work with others in a supportive environment.It assists students in deepening their own experience as artists.Students gain insight into how their work can be translated intogrowth-oriented work with others. Class content is based on thestudent's artwork. The course offers insights into links betweeninner and outer work. MATA students only. MATA requirementa&C 5260 Transformative arts Teaching Practicum 3An investigation into the pedagogy of transformation throughcreative expression. Lectures, experiential exercises and classpresentations by visiting artists and teachers introduce students tothe practical approaches to transformative arts. Ethics andboundary issues are considered. Class results in practicalapplication of teaching approaches by students in a communitysetting of their choice.a&C 5300 applied alchemy 3An introduction to the transformational symbolic image system ofalchemy and its powerful applications to studio art making.Discussion of historical alchemical processes and the modern useof alchemical metaphor and symbol in art. Assigned reading andstudio assignments. Offered in Summer Theory and Processelective.a&C 5305 art and altered States of Consciousness 3Introduces subtle states of consciousness and altered states ofconsciousness in which inspiration, creativity and insight mightarise. Students explore practices meant to access states ofheightened lucidity and multidimensional awareness. Studioexercises involving music, movement and visual arts as well aslecture, readings and written assignments. Offered in Summerelective.a&C 5307 Visual Communications a 3Using a combination of digital and traditional art materials, thisclass explores the technical tools and philosophical assumptionsregarding the nature of communication through symbol, image,text, color, and composition. Through weekly assignments andcritiques, class members develop skills and insights needed forfurther exploration of the field.a&C 5308 Visual Communications B 3Continuation of work in A&C 5307, this course emphasizesadvanced skills in digital image-making. Develops further ability tointegrate conceptual skills into development of powerful andeffective visual images. Expands digital skills to include websitedesign and the use of appropriate software for the creation of basiconline venues for visual communication. Prerequisite: A&C5307.a&C 5310 art and the Symbolic Process 3An exploration of the philosophy of symbolism. Philosophical andexperiential insight into the nature of symbol from a variety ofcultural and individual perspectives. Students are led into thediscovery of their own archetypal visual vocabulary throughcombination of personal practice and academic investigationessential to creative process. Studio assignments, experientialexercises and written process paper. Offered in Spring MATA andMFA requirement.a&C 5312 Creativity and Consciousness 3An exploration of the nature of creativity and its transformativefunction from both personal and archetypal perspectives. Studentsare led in an inquiry into their own perspectives of the variousaspects of creativity: its energy, rhythms and blocks and how theymanifest as the final art product. Studio assignments, experientialexercises and written process papers. Offered in Winter MATA andMFA requirement.a&C 5315 dreams and the arts 2No description. Theory and process elective.a&C 5325 Faces of the Soul 3Students undergo an intensive exploration of the relationshipbetween Asian traditions of Qi Gong and energetic healing withmask-making, movement, and other individual creative acts.Special emphasis is placed on the use of creative self-expression todevelop and heal the body and to develop stronger self-image.a&C 5331 Media of Sacred art 3A variety of quarterly courses examine the creation of art intendedspecifically for sacred and transformative processes. Select topicsexplore the relationship between creativity and spiritual practice.various classes focus on mask making, music, movement and/ormixed media in the creation of sacred art. The use of sacred artfrom diverse cultural settings is considered. Offered quarterlyMATA/MFA elective.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 117

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