11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionzsBuS 5030 Power, Leadership and integrity 3Understanding organizational power and exemplifying professionalintegrity are fundamental to effective leadership. Critical toorganizational success are leaders who inspire confidence, evokeloyalty, empower, motivate, and use resources effectively andefficiently. This course analyzes the characteristics and dynamicsof organizational power and politics and explores the ethical use ofpower by leaders when managing employees, creating alliances,making complex decisions, delegating responsibilities, and makingchanges. Particular attention is given to managing and resolvingconflict.BuS 5035 Visionary Leadership and Sustainability 3Great leaders possess a variety of competencies. Organizationaleffectiveness is grounded in professionals who have vision,continuously learn, courageously take risks, are decisive and ethical,understand and care about their coworkers, enable work forcecreativity, and empower employees to take ownership of their jobs.Distinguishing leadership from management, this course analyzesthe core qualities and skills that leaders possess, and explores thecharacteristics of various leadership styles, assessing their strengthsand limitations.BuS 5037 new Ventures: Business and MarketPlanning 3This course examines the knowledge, skills and businessintelligence required for creating and growing new ventures. Topicsinclude evaluating market opportunities with a global perspective,designing development and growth strategies, assessing barriers tomarket entry and exit, building the management team, and newventure financing. The focus of the course is a creation of acomprehensive new venture marketing plan and feasibility study.BuS 5040 Marketing Management 3In light of business’ strategic use of the Internet and their desire tocompete in global markets, this course analytically examinesmarketing strategies, objectives, and policies. discussion topicsinclude managing sales and marketing organizations, marketresearch and site location, advertising and promotion, analysis ofbuying processes of consumer and industrial markets, Internetmarketing and customer relationship management.BuS 5052 Managerial economics 3This course critically examines economic theory—bothmicroeconomics and macroeconomics—in light of current businesschallenges, global issues, and environmental concerns. It analyzesthe impact of domestic and international economic policies andmajor issues on business economics. Discussion topics include theeffects of monetary policy, fiscal policy and taxation, forces ofsupply and demand, theories of cost and production, analysis ofconsumer behavior, and sustainable economic approaches andbusiness practices. In addition, this course evaluates the responseof markets to the forces of supply and demand by using differentquantitative and qualitative measures.BuS 5055 MBa Capstone: Managing Strategy,Planning and innovation 3The contemporary organization is a strategically managed,information-driven global enterprise that must respond to everchanging markets. Operating in a fast-paced, dispersed workenvironment, its effectiveness and efficiency is rooted inwell-thought out business alliances and partnerships,organization-wide alignment, risk assessment, and innovativeproblem-solving and decision-making. Using strategic managementprinciples and organizational alignment concepts to integrate thevarious MBA disciplines, this capstone course builds and enhancesprofessional competencies in business and organizational analysis,collaborative and ethical decision making, innovative strategicplanning, and implementation and evaluation of plans.Under-girding this process is an exploration of breakthroughthinking and managing creativity and innovation. The MBAcapstone project is completed in this course. Prerequisites: BUS5020, BUS 5035, BUS 5040, BUS 5052, BUS 5099, BUS 5151, BUS5385, and BUS5475.BuS 5096 accounting for Managers 3This course discusses core accounting concepts and principles in amanner applicable for managers. Areas of study include financialstatement analysis, financial accounting concepts and principles,managerial cost systems, and the use of accounting information inmanagerial planning and decision making.BuS 5099 Organizational ethics & CorporateSocial responsibility 3This course critically examines the inter-related concepts of“business ethics,” and “organizational ethics” and their significantrole in developing a company’s mission, culture, strategic plan,operational policies, financial management practices, managementstyle, human resource management philosophy, work environment,marketing approach, and customer service. Through analyticaldiscussions of ethical systems and case study analyses, this courseenables the development of a framework for understanding anorganization’s social responsibilities, for improving anorganization’s integrity, and for the development of a personalprofessional code of ethics.BuS 5151 Systems approach to Business Modelsand Management 3Organizations are dynamic and complex systems that arecontinuously evolving. Applying systems theory to businessstrategy, organizational operations, and management practices, thiscourse explores business models and theoretical concepts with anemphasis on the nature and challenges posed by dispersedorganizations and a diverse workforce. Particular attention is givento participative organizational cultures and collaborativemanagement styles.BuS 5152 Management information Systems 3Understanding the organization as a dynamic networked enterprisewith a sophisticated information technology infrastructure, thiscourse provides a comprehensive overview of managementinformation systems concepts useful to professionals as a user ofinformation systems, and as a future decision maker concernedwith the acquisition, application, and management of businessJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 121College of Graduate andProfessional Studies

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