11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsand medical articles written by experts in the field. They also needto know, through systematic evaluation, whether their programsare having an impact on the target population. This coursecontinues the development of these core health educator skills:research method design, research literature critique, needsassessment, survey design, data analysis, and program evaluation.Prerequisites: HHE 5200.hhe 5150 Mind/Body approaches to Self-Care 2The study of Mind-Body Medicine includes three aspects of inquiry.Students are introduced to various self-care approaches and part ofthe course involves students’ own engagement and documentationof the process. The second aspect of class time includes in-depthdiscussions of the principles and practices of mind-body medicines.The third aspect of the class involves small group presentations ofone form of mind-body medicine, including meditation,visualization, and other methods.physical benefits and a greater sense of joy in living, purpose, and afeeling of belonging and community. Abundant research shows astrong link between health and spirituality. This course helpsstudents to develop or deepen a spiritual practice by offeringconcepts and practices designed to embody and make moreapparent the essential quality of spirit in health and wellness.Prerequisite: PHR 3405.hhe 5167 nutritional Consultation and Coaching 2In this course, students learn about analyzing the nutrient contentof foods and meal plans using the most efficient, up-to-datemethods. The main course focus is on the goals of nutritioncounseling—effective rapport building, listening, and interviewing;keys to motivation; the stages of change (trans-theoretical model);behavior change strategies; barriers to change; goal setting andevaluation; effective documentation; and non-food interventions toimprove health. Prerequisite: HHE 5156.hhe 5155 Foundations of holistic nutrition 2This course introduces students to essential issues and principlesin the field of nutrition today and to the effects food has on healthpromotion, disease prevention, and recovery from illness and injury.A whole foods based model of eating is presented along with aholistic model of wellness that centers around whole food nutrition.The basics of macro and micronutrients, anti-oxidants and foodissues faced in modern nutrition will be covered. Students will learnhow to formulate a personal dietary plan based on health status,metabolic tendencies and levels of commitment to improve theirdietary habits and choices. Each class member will also developeducational materials to include in their personalized nutritionprogram. Prerequisite: HHE 5001.hhe 5156 Comparative dietary approaches 2Approaches to nutrition in the U.S. are so varied and so oftenconflicting; most everyone is confused and overwhelmed aboutwhat to eat. We analyze the most current, popular, classic, andcutting edge dietary approaches to provide a basis to resolve theconfusion. The approaches are analyzed based on the following:metabolic health and hormone balance; insulin sensitivity, bloodtyping and other biochemical characteristics; carbohydrate, protein,and fat proportions; food features; and food combining. We discusswhich approaches might be best for overweight, Syndrome X,fatigue, mood, digestive and elimination problems, cravings andaddictions, skin conditions, disease prevention and other areas ofstudent interest. Prerequisite: HHE 5155.hhe 5158 The Challenge of Change 2This course will cover determinants that influence health andwell-being and discuss the role of the health educator in workingwith individuals attempting to make health behavior changes.Students will explore concepts and approaches of change specificto health and health behaviors. The analysis of current models ofhealth behavior change will be analyzed and viewed through thelens of a holistic approach to health and health education.Prerequisite: HHE 5225.hhe 5160 embodying Spirit 2The ultimate goal of a spiritual practice is awakening, but other giftsare received as well, including psychological, intellectual, andhhe 5169 healing Foods a 2This course introduces the foods, ways of eating, and nutritionaltherapies that help to bring about and maintain the most vibranthealth and also introduces the nutritional deficiencies thatcontribute to ill health and lack of well-being. Nutrition for men’sand women’s health, a healthy immune system, cardiovascularhealth, gastrointestinal health, and adrenal stress syndrome arecovered. Emphasis is on preventing illness and maintainingwellness. Prerequisites: SCI 3110, HHE 5010, HHE 5155.hhe 5171 healing Foods B 2Complementing HHE 5169, this course provides the foundation forworking with specific and diagnosed “medical conditions” such asdiabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and disease, allergies (especiallyfood allergies), heart disease, and cancer. Prerequisite: HHE 5169.hhe 5172 healing Foods C 2This course introduces the foods, ways of eating and nutritionaltherapies that help to bring about and maintain the most vibranthealth throughout the lifecycle, highlighting pediatric health,geriatric health and holistic sports nutrition. Preventing childhoodobesity and its sequela (liver disease, diabetes, cardiac disease) is afocus of this course. Ways to reverse the trend of the overfed butundernourished child are explored. Special dietary needs of eldersare also a focus of this course. Nutritional recommendations forphysical and mental vibrancy in the elder years are identifiedthrough a holistic approach for preventing illness and maintainingwellness. The nutritional needs of the athlete ware also be examinedthrough the lens of holistic nutrition and specific nutritionalrecommendations for athletes are discussed. Prerequisite: HHE5171.hhe 5173 From Farm to Table 3In this course, students analyze how the production, harvesting,marketing and distribution, shopping, cooking, serving, andenjoying of food determine a wide variety of social processes withprofound consequences for the earth and its populations. The roleof health educators as advocates of healthier approaches isconsidered, one that will benefit earth communities, families, andevery individual. Socially transformative programs involvingJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 129College of Graduate andProfessional Studies

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