11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional StudiesCollege of Graduate andProfessional StudiesPSd 7225 Lifespan development i: Childand adolescent 3This course introduces students to empirically-baseddevelopmental psychology theories with an emphasis on conceptualissues and scientific.methods in the study of developmentalpsychology. It teaches students to comprehend, assess, and evaluatescientific research on child development, and provides an essentialunderstanding of child development for clinical activities. Studentsare taught to examine the interrelationship between physical,cognitive, and socio-emotional development in infancy, earlychildhood, middle childhood, and adolescence.PSd 7226 Lifespan development ii: adulthoodand aging 3Lifespan issues from adulthood through aging and death arediscussed in this course. eory, developmental researchmethodology, clinical applications, and current research findingson adult development and aging are emphasized. Biological,cognitive, emotional, and social factors of lifespan development areconsidered in the context of culture, ethnic identity, gender, SES,and sexual orientation.PSd 7230 Management and Supervision: Self, Other,and Organization 3Aspects of the supervisory process are presented through the useof theoretical and case materials. Each student has the opportunityto participate as a supervisor in training and have his or her workcritiqued. This course also includes information and skills relatedto supervising organizations, i.e., understanding and managingmultiple levels of a system including one’s own private or groupclinical practice. Prerequisite or corequisite: PSD 7235 or instructorpermission.PSd 7235 Practicum iii 3This is a year-long course, taught in conjunction with PSD 7245.Practicum III gives students credit for their third-year trainingplacement. To receive credit,students must meet the terms of theplacement contract, carry the stipulated caseload, and receive asatisfactory evaluation from their clinical supervisor. In class,students are required to demonstrate assessment and integration ofclinical data in their clinical work with clients. Students do formalcase presentations and prepare for their Clinical Proficiency Exam.Prerequisite: PSD 7135.selected multivariate techniques. Emphasis is placed on conceptualunderstanding and appropriate use of statistics including knowledgeof assumptions and limitations of specific techniques. Criticalreview of published empirical literature and critique of culturallyappropriate analysis and interpretation is an integral part of thecourse. Students are introduced to the dissertation process and areguided to begin formulating a dissertation research question.Prerequisite: PSD 7151.PSd 7251 Qualitative research: Critical review 3This is the third course in a three course sequence. It.introducesstudents to specific qualitative methodologies in detail:phenomenology, grounded theory, and qualitative content analysis.Additional forms of qualitative research are also be introduced,including consensual qualitative research, qualitative meta-analysis,and case-study designs. The philosophical and methodologicalissues which underlie qualitative research will be discussed. Thecourse includes lecture, discussion, and practice assignmentscovering interviewing and qualitative data analysis. Prerequisite:PSD 7250.PSd 7252 Clinical dissertation Proposal i 2This is the first of a three course sequence designed to assist andsupervise students in developing their dissertation proposals.Students will create a prospectus for their proposed studies. beginthe process of recruiting a dissertation committee, outline and begindrafting a Review of the Literature relevant to their proposedresearch. Prerequisite: PSD 7251.PSd 7253 Clinical dissertation Proposal ii 2This is the second of a three course sequence designed to assist andsupervise students in developing their dissertation proposals.Students will continue to expand and refine their LiteratureReviews, while drafting the Methods chapter of their dissertationproposals. Students also finalize their dissertation committees thisquarter. Prerequisite: PSD 7252.PSd 7254 Clinical dissertation Proposal iii 1This is the third of a three course sequence designed to assist andsupervise students in developing their dissertation proposals.Students will complete drafts of their dissertation proposal andHuman Participants Review materials, and conduct a mock defenseof their dissertation proposals. Prerequisite: PSD 7253.PSd 7245 Contemporary issues in ProfessionalPsychology 1This is a year long course, taught in conjunction with PSD 7235.This component of the third-year IPS examines the increasinglycomplex interplay of legal, ethical, social, and other concernsencountered in the practice of professional psychology. Issues ofdiversity are highlighted. Questions, concerns, and case examplesfrom year three practica experiences are explored in depth.Prerequisites: PSD 7146 and PSD 7147.PSd 7250 research Methods and Statistics ii 3This is the second course in a three course sequence. It is designedto provide students with knowledge of inferential statistics throughtwo-way ANOvA and post hoc analysis with an introduction toPSd 7302 dissertation Completion 0 - 0.5Following successful oral defense of the dissertation proposal, eachstudent enrolls in PSD 7302 until completion of the dissertation.Students work independently under the direction of theirdissertation committees with assistance from research faculty untilsuccessful final defense of the dissertation project. Course may berepeated for credit three times. After three repetitions, studentsmust continue to enroll in PSD 7302 to completion of dissertationproject. A maximum of 1.5 units will apply toward the degreeprogram. (Students who began prior to fall 2006 may take PSD 7302four times for credit.) Prerequisite: PSD 7254.146 College of Graduate and Professional Studies JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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