11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsknowledge of evidence-based practices, community-definedevidence, and cultural adaptation of effective practices; and d) skillsin committing to multicultural competence and sensitivity as anongoing, developmental process in becoming and practicing as atherapist. Prerequisite: PSy 9001.PSY 5635 ethics and the Law 3Examines legal and ethical issues related to the practice of Marriageand Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counseling. Classtopics include ethical and legal obligations of licensees, legal trendsin mental health and family law, professional behavior, and theimpact of therapist’s values on practice. Case management, referralpractices, confidentiality and privilege, scope of practice, clientwelfare, and AAMFT, CAMFT, and ACA specific codes of ethicsare also covered. Systemic, specific issues such as jointconfidentiality, sessions with sub-systems, and separation anddivorce are also considered. Prerequisite: PSy 5230, Corequisite:PSy 5231.PSY 5646 advanced Study in research 1.5Advanced topics and issues concerning research designed to expandstudent knowledge of the topic beyond the core course throughadditional learning and/or practical ap plications. This course meetsthe requirements for additional units in addiction studies for theLPCC in California. Must be taken either concurrently with orsubsequent to PSy 5054. Required for students in the LPCC track,though open to all MFT students. Prerequisite: PSy 5054.PSY 5780 Theories of Career development 4.5This course provides an opportunity for students to learn andevaluate several key career development theories and practice howto integrate and apply aspects of.theories to their counseling workwith diverse client populations. Students will understand theimportance of theory in career development and life planning, learnthe historical and philosophical perspective of career development,recognize current challenges in existing theories, explore emergingissues and trends, and appreciate the complexity of career choice,decision-making, and satisfaction of clients. This is an OnlineCourse.PSY 5990 Master’s Thesis Proposal 3Students develop a proposal for a master’s thesis and learn tosynthesize prior professional work or study in pursuit of a specificarea of research or application. Prerequisite: PSy 5054.PSY 5991 Master’s Project a–C 2/2/2Required of students completing a master’s thesis. Thesis typicallytakes two to three quarters/sessions and is completed under thesupervision of a faculty advisor. Research begins at least twoquarters before anticipated graduation. A maximum of six unitsmay be applied to the degree. Prerequisite: PSy 5990 and completedthesis contract.PSY 5995 independent Study in Psychology 1 - 6Allows for individual study in a special interest area not offered asa regular course. To be arranged with consent of instructor andapproval of the dean. May be repeated for credit with a change oftopic.POST-MaSTer’S COurSeSPSY 6257 advanced Field experience andinternship: Post-Master’s 1 - 4Advanced field experience at the JFK <strong>University</strong> CommunityCounseling Center for students in the post-master’s trainingprogram. Includes individuals, couples, groups, and families. Mustbe taken for three consecutive quarters in program. Post-master’scourse for post-master’s students only.PSY 6300 advanced Family Therapy 3Considers the evaluation of individuals and families, and theformulation of treatment goals and treatment plans. Includes thepsychodynamic and interactive approaches to brief therapy, and thesystems and structural approaches to family therapy. Post-master’scourse for post-master’s students only.PSY 6320 use of Self as Family Therapist 3Focuses on psychotherapeutic treatment strategies for clients withparticular character styles (e.g., hysteric, obsessive, borderline,narcissistic). Course concentrates on the “how” of doing therapywith such clients. Post-master’s course for post-master’s studentsonly.PSY 6330 advanced Couple Therapy 3Recurring issues and areas of difficulty in the life of a family.Includes a developmental perspective, the emergence of criticalincidents, problem assessment, and treatment approaches.Post-master’s course for post-master’s students only.PSY 6340 advanced Treatment issues in FamilyTherapy 1 - 3Advanced topics and issues concerning specific approaches tofamily therapy. This course is designed to help the student learn andpractice ways of working with specific issues presented by familiesin treatment. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic.Post-master’s course for post-master’s students only.PSY 6390 advanced Topics in Psychology 1 - 3Furthers and deepens the student’s understanding in current areasof theory and treatment. May be repeated for credit with a changeof topic. Post-master’s course for post-master’s students only.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesPSY 5992 Supplemental Thesis assistance 1 - 6Supplemental assistance addressing individual student needs incompleting the master’s thesis. Students consult with relevantfaculty to recruit a supplemental advisor. Prerequisite: PSy 5991 CJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 155

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