11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Undergraduate Studies Course DescriptionsCollege ofUndergraduate StudiesPyC 4005 Learning and Cognition 4is survey course addresses historical and current theoreticalassumptions and approaches to learning and cognition. Specialattention is given to the relationship between learning and cognitiveprocess. Topics addressed include operant conditioning, sociallearning theory, learning styles, perception, memory, problemsolving, thinking, and intelligence.PyC 4010 Psychological Assessment and Outcomes 4is course examines the scope and use of various psychologicalassessment tools including the assumptions, limits, and challengesto psychological assessment. Course material focuses on theconstruction and evaluation of psycho- logical tests and theirperformance in clinical situations. Students will be engaged inself-assessment during their learning experience.PyC 4020 Emotional Intelligence and Awareness 4Although emotions have long been considered to be secondary, ifnot detrimental, to our mental efficiency in finding success in life,mounting evidence demonstrates that thinking is literallyimpossible without feeling, that it plays an organizing role inthought itself, and that true success is totally dependent upon ahighly developed emotional life. EQ is as important as, if not moreso than, IQ. is course will examine the evidence and search forpractical ways of developing an intelligent heart and acompassionate mind.PyC 4200 Jungian Psychology 4is course examines Carl Jung’s life and works, including the basicstructures of Jungian theory, the nature and structure of the psyche,and the four functions of consciousness.PyC 4202 Psychology of Religion 4is course explores psychological perspectives on the nature ofreligious belief, experience, ritual, values, and spiritual development.We will consider not only the psychological dimensions of religionbut also the religious dimensions of the psyche and psychotherapy.Early formulations by James, Freud, Jung, and others are studied aswell as subsequent theories by Fromm, Frankl, Fowler, Maslow,Wilber, and others. ese perspectives include psychodynamic,phenomenological, existential, humanistic, transpersonal, andexperimental approaches. Contemplative exercises will helpstudents to explore their own relationship to religious experiences,ideas, and practices.PyC 4203 Humanistic Psychology 4is course explores the major concepts, theories, techniques,applications, and trends in the field of humanistic psychology, oftencalled the ird Force in psychology. Influenced by humanism,existentialism, and phenomenology, humanistic psychology isfundamentally interested in human capacities and potentials.Humanistic psychology helped to birth the human potentialmovement, transpersonal psychology, and positive psychology. ecourse examines the nature of self, love, creativity, spontaneity, play,warmth, ego-transcendence, autonomy, responsibility, authenticity,meaning, transcendental experience, courage, and other topics ofvital human interest.PyC 4205 Transpersonal Psychology 4Course material explores the higher and deeper dimensions ofhuman experience. Topics include: the nature, validity,development, and value of these extraordinary experiences from thediverse disciplinary perspectives of psychology, philosophy,sociology, anthropology,and religion. e philosophical andempirical foundations of transpersonal psychology and thetranspersonal principles used in counseling are discussed. eoristsinclude Roberto Assagioli, Ken Wilber, Stanislav Grof, Francisvaughn, A.H. Almaas, and <strong>John</strong> Welwood.PyC 4207 Integral Psychology 4is course introduces the five elements of Ken Wilber’s integraltheory, including quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types, andexamines their relevance to psychology and as a framework fortoday’s world. Also explores the theories of Jung, Assagioli, Almaasand Grof. Topics include models of consciousness and humandevelopment, the relationship of Self/self, and the potential ofIntegral Psychology to promote personal psycho-spiritualdevelopment and social-global change.PyC 4209 Spiritual Counseling 4is course introduces the basic approaches, knowledge, and skillsinvolved in interfaith spiritual counseling. Interfaith spiritualcounseling is a companioning process that helps individuals tosense, savor, and integrate the presence and movement of spirit intheir lives and to cultivate their spiritual lives. We will studyinterfaith and cross-cultural perspectives on spiritual experience,examine different approaches to spiritual discernment, discuss thespiritual counseling process, learn contemplative listening skills,explore the nature of prayer, and practice offering spiritual supportand guidance.PyC 4211 Evolutionary Psychology 4e course is designed to introduce and critically assess the excitingand often controversial movement of Evolutionary Psychology. eemerging new field of psychology is emphatically interdisciplinary,involving all of the following: evolutionary theory,paleo-anthropology, cognitive psychology, philosophy, ethics,sociology, religion, and political theory. e course will be a focusedengagement that will give the student a working familiarity withboth the breadth of inquiry and the goals of EvolutionaryPsychology.PyC 4217 Creativity and Intuition 4e course explores psychological and spiritual approaches tocreativity and intuition. Students examine various theories andresearch findings as well as experience powerful transformativepractices. Practices include: methods for inviting intuitions;techniques for overcoming creative blocks and elaborating insights;meditations that clear, focus and energize the mind; and practicesthat support intuition and sustain creative activity. Creativethinking, writing, drawing, and living are explored.PyC 4218 Healing Stories 4is course explores how stories and myths powerfully influenceour perceptions, desires, values, and behaviors. Indeed, they shapeour personal and social identities. By becoming aware of the natureof stories and storytelling, we learn to deconstruct false anddisempowering stories and to create truer and more empoweringones. In this course we will examine powerful stories that not onlyportray the themes of healing and transformation but also have thepower to heal and transform us. As bilbao-therapy reveals, whenwe study the stories of others’ lives, we learn new ways of seeing,valuing, and acting in the world. We will also share stories from our66 College of Undergraduate Studies JOHN F. KENNEdy UNIvERSITy

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