11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional StudiesSomatic Psychology SpecializationSPC 5220 Principles of Somatic PsychologySPC 5241 e Cultural Body: Society, Body, Image and the Self(2)SPC 5430 Movement Seminar A: e Self in Movement (2)Prerequisite: HSC 3110SPC 5431 Movement Seminar B: Clinical TechniquePrerequisite: SPC 5430SPC 5512 Somatic Psychology Perspectives on Stress andPsychobioimmunology (2)SPC 5572 Body-Oriented Psychotherapies (2)is course is a topics course (one-half unit per election), andsubsequent registrations count for additional credit. SomaticPsychology students are required to take a total of three units (sixelections) of this course:SPC 5612 Supervised Practica in Somatic PsychologySPC 5620 Holistic/Somatic Psychology Approaches to Traumaand PTSD A (2)SPC 5621 Somatic Psychology Approaches to Trauma and PTSDB. Prerequisite SPC 5620 (2)General CounselingSPC 5004 Group Process A (2)SPC 5005 Group Process B (2)Prerequisite: SPC 5004SPC 5006 Group Process C (2)Prerequisite: SPC 5005HPC 5200 Diagnosis, Assessment and erapeutic Strategy APrerequisite: PYC 3200SPC 5205 Diagnosis, Assessment and erapeutic Strategy BPrerequisite: HPC 5200SPC 5323 erapeutic Communication ASPC 5324 erapeutic Communication BPrerequisite: SPC 5323HPC 5245 Psychopharmachology (1)SPC 5103 Applied Clinical Philosophy (1)Marriage and Family TherapySPC 5115 Cross-Cultural Issues in CounselingSPC 5216 Sexuality (2)SPC 5243 Community Mental Health and Principles of RecoverySPC 5250 Basic Addiction StudiesSPC 5535SPC 5536Individual Development and the Family Life Cycle AIndividual Development and the Family Life Cycle BPrerequisite: SPC5535HPC 5158 Child erapyPrerequisites: SPC 5536SPC 5551 Marriage and Family Counseling APrerequisites: SPC 5535, SPC 5536SPC 5552Marriage and Family Counseling BPrerequisite: SPC 5551 or permission of the advisorHPC 5325 Ethics and the LawHPC5703Clinical Skills: Partner and Spousal Abuse, Elder Care(2)SPC 5705 Counseling Case Seminar: Individuals (2)Prerequisite: SPC 5762HPC 9005 Personal Psychotherapy (0)Field PlacementSPC 5761SPC 5762SPC 5763Field Placement AField Placement BPrerequisite: SPC 5761Field Placement CPrerequisite: SPC 5762SPC 5764 Field Placement DPrerequisite: SPC 5763Integrative Final ProjectSPC 5993 Professional Integrative Final Project A (1)SPC 5994 Professional Integrative Final Project B (2)Prerequisite: SPC 5994Total units required 92-100Specialization in TranspersonalPsychologye transpersonal perspective includes the wisdom and methodsof the psychoanalytic, behaviorist, and humanistic orientations, andexpands them to create a more integral/holistic perspective thatincludes the spiritual aspects of human experience.is perspective emphasizes the counselor’s presence, openness,and authenticity as central to the therapeutic process. It maintainsa respect for the client’s self-healing capacities and views emotionaldysfunction as an opportunity for growth. Transpersonalpsychotherapists are interested in exploring the interaction andintegration of personality, feelings, and spirit, empowering theirclients to connect with their essential self and to fulfill their soul’spurpose. Using traditional psychotherapeutic tools, as well as dreamwork, presence, guided visualization, expressive arts, andmeditation, transpersonal therapists facilitate processes thatsupport their clients’ self discovery and access their inner wisdom.Students are asked to pursue embodied spiritual practices as afoundation for their work with others.e program offers a strong foundation in basic counseling theoryand practice. It combines theoretical and experiential learningmodalities and emphasizes personal growth and development.Transpersonal psychology courses investigate the relationshipbetween self and spirit, self and body, and body and spirit. Inaddition to the in-depth core curriculum of the CounselingPsychology - Holistic program, students explore contemporaryschools of transpersonal, holistic, and integral psychology. Studentsare encouraged to pursue both spiritual and psychological practicesas foundation for their work with others.Program Learning Objectives• Display the capacity to build a therapeutic relationship withclient;• Demonstrate a high level of clinical skills;• Articulate theoretical comprehension and apply criticalthinking;• Exhibit holistic self-awareness and embody professionalism; and• Articulate and apply the principles of the transpersonalspecialization.admission requirementsIn addition to a completed application, an applicant must submit:• One set of official transcripts of the conferred BA degree andany post-Bachelor credits or degrees.• A personal statement that is 5-to-10 double-spaced, typewrittenpages describing any personal or professional growth work orevents that have shaped the applicant’s life, reasons for applyingto the area of specialization, any study (academic or otherwise)pursued in this area of interest and future professional andpersonal goals.JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 99College of Graduate andProfessional Studies

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