11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Undergraduate Studies Course Descriptionsown lives and experiment with telling our life stories in new andmore empowering ways.PyC 4219 Neuropsychology 4is course is an introduction to neuropsychology.Neuropsychological assessment is a powerful tool used by bothclinical and experimental psychologists to aid in the diagnosis,treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals with various braindisorders. Neuropsychology focuses on identifying the behavioraldeficits that arise from brain pathology. is pathology includesdiseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s as well as other brainrelated conditions such as stroke, tumors, and head injury. roughthis course students will learn about the history of neuropsychology,details of brain anatomy, various neuropsychological assessments,and the examination of behavioral deficits and neuropsychologicalprofiles associated with a variety of brain disorders and brainconditions.PyC 4220 Cross-cultural Psychology 4is course explores the major concepts, theories, and research inthe field of cognitive psychology, and examines how peopleperceive, learn, remember, and think about information. Topicsinclude: perception, attention, consciousness, memory, knowledge(representation, organization and manipulation), problem solving,reasoning, decision making, language, and intelligence.PyC 4221 Abnormal Psychology 4is course explores the definitions, categories, and characteristicsof abnormal behaviors from biological, psychosocial, andsocio-cultural perspectives. Students examine various treatmentconcepts while maintaining a sensitivity to cultural constructionsof “abnormality.”PyC 4222 Cognitive Psychology 4is course explores the major concepts, theories, and research inthe field of cognitive psychology. We will examine how peopleperceive, learn, remember, and think about information. Topicsinclude: perception, attention, consciousness, memory, knowledge(representation, organization and manipulation), problem solving,reasoning, decision making, language, and intelligence.PyC 4223 Writing as a Psychospiritual Tool 4Scientific research has recently documented how putting pen topaper can improve physical health and decrease psychological pain.Writing is also a powerful tool to develop our creativity, access ourintuition, and connect with the soul. In a lecture, discussion andexperiential format, students will experiment with various writingexercises for emotional healing and spiritual growth. is is not awriting skills class and the sharing of our writing is optional.PyC 4225 Psychology of Women 4is course is a study of how major 20th-century theories includingfeminist, psychoanalytic, Jungian, and transpersonal have addressedwomen’s psychological issues.PyC 4226 Psychology of men 4Students explore fundamental male issues including father-son andmale-female relationships, work, play, and questions of power.developments in male attitudes toward love, death, the family, andaging are also examined.PyC 4229 Somatic Psychology 4e historical foundations of historical psychology are examined aswell as how various somatic psychology practices are applied to thedevelopment and evolution of the self. e course reviews somaticunderstandings of topics such as anxiety, excitement, stress, andpersonal development. Understanding emotional expression, familysystems, family interaction patterns, and self development assomatic issues are examined. discusses body practices such as workwith breath, movement, gesture, and guided self-experience. iswork can be applied clinically, socially, and personally.PyC 4235 Psychosynthesis: Principles and Practice 4e course curriculum covers the basic concepts and techniques ofpsychosynthesis including presence and the art of guiding,sub-personality work, imagery, and identification anddis-identification.PyC 4237 Kabbalah and Psychology 4Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) offers profound psycho-spiritualinsights into individual and social consciousness, action anddevelopment. In this seminar, we examine key Jewish mystical ideasand practices and discuss their relevance to contemporarypsychology and spirituality. We explore the Kabbalists’ experienceof an androgynous divinity, theft mapping of God’s creativeandrogynous powers onto human beings, and their evolutionaryview of the unfolding self and cosmos. We also experience some oftheir transformative and healing practices: prayers, blessings,rituals, songs, chants, meditation. Comparisons are made withother spiritual traditions. No knowledge of Judaism is needed.PyC 4241 Healing and Transformation through Poetry 4is course explores how reading, studying, and writing poetry cancatalyze profound healing, growth, and transformation. Weexamine powerful poems by William Wordsworth, Emilydickinson, Langston Hughes, T.S. Eliot, Maya Angelou, and othermaster poets. Students also have the opportunity to write their ownpoems.PyC 4243 Choice, Empowerment and the Body 4rough somatic understanding and practices, we can shift awayfrom reactive and conditioned responses. When present, grounded,and centered in our bodies, we are empowered to make consciouschoices. Students will learn the benefits of being centered anddiscover how to apply this principle in their daily lives. In a lectureand experiential format, students will learn about the wisdom of thebody and ways of integrating somatic awareness, a key to livingmore fully in the present.PyC 4302 Psychology of Organizations 4is course presents an overview of the field of organizationalpsychology. Topics include organizational culture, leadership andmanagement, group dynamics, conflict and negotiation,empowerment and coaching, and work stress.PyC 4995 Independent Study in Psychology 4Students design studies and projects in conjunction with theinstructor and the program chair. Course may be repeated for creditwith a change of topic.College ofUndergraduate StudiesJOHN F. KENNEdy UNIvERSITy College of Undergraduate Studies 67

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