11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionsPSd 7131 Psychology and Treatment of Substanceabuse 3This course focuses on the identification, assessment, and treatmentof individuals who are abusing substances. The influence ofsocio-economic status, cultural context, and the variations insubstance use and abuse across groups will be considered.Prerequisite: PSD 7016.PSd 7135 Practicum ii 2This course is taught over three quarters, in conjunction with PSD7146 and PSD 7147. The second-year practicum is a clinicalplacement where students apply the knowledge and skills they haveacquired in the first year. PSD7135 gives students credit for theirpracticum work. In class, students do weekly practicum check-insand.formal case presentations of clients. Theoreticconceptualizations are emphasized. Prerequisites: PSD 7008, PSD7016, PSD 7035, and PSD 7141.PSd 7141 ethical and Legal issues in ProfessionalPsychology 3This course focuses upon the legal and ethical issues related to thepractice of psychology. Students explore issues which include, butare not limited to, licensing, scope of practice, competence,informed consent, client welfare, confidentiality (and itsexceptions), and professional conduct. Also covered are issuesrelated to the treatment of minors, couples, groups, and the use oftechnology in clinical psychology, as well as issues related toworking with individuals with cultural, contextual, and individualdifferences from those of the provider. In addition, students will beintroduced to methods of critically evaluating their professionalbehavior. The course emphasizes contemporary professional ethicsand statutory, regulatory, and decisional laws that delineate theprofession’s scope of practice and role of the psychologist.PSd 7146 advanced Group Process 1This course is taught over three quarters, in conjunction with PSD7135 and PSD 7147. Group process and group models in differenttheoretical orientations are discussed, including the role of a leaderand leadership styles. Students experience group dynamics throughrole-playing and other strategies conducive to building a cohesivegroup experience throughout the seminar year. The dynamics ofconflict and techniques for conflict resolution are emphasized withattention to the impact of diversity on conflict management.Prerequisites: PSD 7008, PSD 7016, PSD 7046, and PSD 7141.Corequisites: PSD 7135, 7147.PSd 7151 research Methods and Statistics i 3This course if the first of a three course sequence. This coursepresents an overview of psychometrics and quantitative researchdesign and methodology. In addition, the course covers ethics inresearch, issues of cultural diversity relevant to the process ofresearch, and an introduction to data analysis using SPSS. The focusof the course is on acquisition of skills that permit students tocritically evaluate published professional literature.PSd 7160 Psychopharmacology 3This course prepares students to evaluate and direct clientsregarding psychiatric medications. Pharmacokinetics, the majorclasses of psychiatric medications, referral processes, and how tofollow-up with clients on medications will be discussed. Studentswill gain an understanding of the practical, ethical, diversity-related,and philosophical advantages and limitations of pharmacotherapyin the treatment of clients with various psychological disorders.Prerequisites: PSD 7016, PSD 7107.PSd 7170a Clinical neuropsychology a 3This is the first of a three quarter sequence. This course establishesa common ground of knowledge of several theories of cognition andbrain organization, functional neuroanatomy, and basic neurology.Neuropsychological instruments will be introduced. Prerequisites:PSD 7107, PSD 7117.PSd 7170B Clinical neuropsychology B 3is is the second in a three quarter sequence. is course coversthe etiology, manifestations, and consequences of commonlyencountered brain impairments and syndromes, the mechanismsof recovery, and the basic conceptual approaches toneuropsychological assessment. Neuropsychological instrumentsand case studies will be presented and discussed. Prerequisite: PSD7170A.PSd 7170C Clinical neuropsychology C 3is is the third of a three course sequence. In this course studentswill be taught other neuropsychological tools including theDelis-Kaplan Executive Function Scale. Recovery and rehabilitation,and forensic applications of neuropsychology will be presented.Students will administer a neuropsychological battery of tests on avolunteer and integrate the results into a comprehensive caseevaluation. Prerequisite: PSD 7170B.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesPSd 7147 Multicultural Proficiency in ProfessionalPsychology 1This course is taught over three quarters, in conjunction with PSD7135 and PSD 7146. This course examines the ways diverse culturalperspectives are experienced within the clinical interchanges ofpsychotherapy. In addition, there will be a focus on clinicaltreatment interventions with specific populations and explorationof their relative effectiveness and the impacts on both therapist andclient. Evidence-supported treatment approaches with specificpopulations are highlighted in this course. Prerequisites: PSD 7008,PSD 7016, PSD 7047, and PSD 7141.PSd 7215 Consultation and education in Psychology 3This course introduces students to the consultative and educationalprocesses and roles in the profession of psychology and theirapplication in working with diverse populations. Students becomefamiliar with the basic stages and processes of consultation andvarious ways in which professional psychologists provideconsultation services. Students are also introduced to the issues andprocesses of teaching in the field of psychology—including but notlimited to administrative duties, course, development, and coursemanagement. Prerequisites: PSD 7016, PSD 7253B.JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 145

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