11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Undergraduate Studies Course DescriptionsCollege ofUndergraduate Studiesresults and present the findings of their Social EcologicalAssessment. e outcomes of the assessment is shared with thecommunity-partner agency. Prerequisites: HSC 4200HSC 4215 Genetics: Living with Our Genes 4e course examines the promises and challenges of geneticengineering to provide better crops, prevent incurable diseases, andperhaps even extend life. e course looks at basic genetics,cloning, and forensic science. e prospects of molecular biologyare evaluated in the context of ethical judgments. Corequisites:COR 3001, COR 3100.HSC 4217 Addiction, Health and the Community 4Addiction, Health and Community is an interdisciplinary andintegrative course for understanding and developing a broaderrepertoire of the social construction of chemical dependency, andprogressive modalities for community health advocacy and healing.Aspects of drug pharmacology and comparative studies of otherglobal communities are also included. ese issues will beexamined through readings, participatory discussions, film, casestudies, small group work experiences, and a final collaborativeproject. Corequisites: COR 3001, COR 3100.HSC 4220 Bioethics: Ethical Issues in modernmedicine 4As technology increases our ability to intervene in the course ofnatural events, the question arises as whether we ought to. Beyondthe conventional wearing of eyeglasses or using a cane or hearingaid, we enter the problematic realm of xenogenic organtransplantation, animal experimentation, mechanical prosthesis,cosmetic surgery, gene manipulation, in vitro fertilization,surrogacy, life extension, and euthanasia. Selective breeding andthe notion of eugenics has been around for centuries, but now wehave the means to effect great change rapidly. is course considersthe far-reaching impact of such tampering and also explorespotential costs and benefits within the context of fairness andaccess with a mind to counseling individuals faced with suchdilemmas. Prerequisite: COR 3100HSC 4223 Chemistry of Life 4is course is an introduction to the molecular basis of life with anemphasis upon how nature and human life work at the molecularlevel. e course examines the components of living matter andtheir interrelations within the complex biochemical processes thatdefine and sustain life. is course fosters the understanding of therelationship between biological processes to the underlyingchemistry that defines life. e topics will include exercise,nutrition, and medical and environmental case studies.HSC 4225 Introduction to media Studies and HealthPromotion 4is course is designed to familiarize students with current theoryand knowledge in the field of social marketing and to analyze thecomponents and applications of marketing used for promotinghealth behavior change strategies. Topics include: determiningResearch Needs and Resources, Selecting Target Markets,Understanding the Target Audience and Health Behavior Messages,Implementing and Evaluating Social Health Marketing Efforts, andEthics in Social Health Marketing. Prerequisite: HSC 4332.HSC 4227 Health Behavior Theory & HealthEducation 4is course examines the theoretical constructs of health behaviortheory and explores the intersection between lifestyles and healthbehaviors as they relate to disease risk and health outcome. Healthbeliefs are explored in the process of determining ways ofunderstanding what causes people to adopt a healthy lifestyle orchange a risky health-related behavior. Corequisite: COR 3100.HSC 4230 U.S. Health Care System and Health Policy 4Health care delivery systems must adjust to social forces in societysuch as rising expectations, population aging, increasing prevalenceof disability and dynamic population changes over time due toimmigration. is course provides an introduction to the U.S.health “system” and together we will examine the components andcharacteristics of the U.S. health care system and explore currentissues confronting the system, as well as potential means forresolving these issues. Prerequisite: HSC 4117.HSC 4233 Evolution of the metaphysical Heart 4is course is a journey, an exploration of both the physical andmetaphysical realms of the heart. e journey includes inquiry intothe relationship between intellect and the heart. While studentswill learn the anatomical and physiological aspects of the heart,they also will experience the heart through the process of exploringthe spiritual, emotional and intellectual manifestations of the heart.Students will consider the metaphorical meanings of the heart inhealth and healing, relationships, ethnics and in judgment.Corequisites: COR 3100, COR 3146.HSC 4300 Nutrition in Living Systems 4A survey of energy production and use in living systems includingthe roles of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber, vitamins, andminerals; the effects of genetic inheritance, age, diet, and lifestyle;and the interaction of diet and the psyche. Corequisite: COR 3100.HSC 4312 Women’s Health and SocialTransformation 4is course examines the forces that impact women’s lives andwomen’s health. Students engage a close inquiry of theintersectionalities of the forces - the social, cultural, historical andpolitical forces and systems that shape the lives and healthoutcomes of women in society. Prerequisites: COR 3100, COR3146.HSC 4315 vulnerable Populations: Health and SocialJustice 4e reasons for health disparities are varied. is course exploresthe characteristics of vulnerable populations such as ethnicity,urban and rural poor, undocumented immigrants, people withdisabilities or multiple chronic conditions, to understand howsocial forces puts members of these groups at risk for adversehealth outcomes. Corequisite: COR 3100.HSC 4320 Integrative Heath Practices and Healing 4An examination of alternative models of health care includingsubtle energies, holism, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy,orthomolecular nutrition, kinesthetic therapies, various herbalremedies, lifestyle changes, and a range of hands-on interactive60 College of Undergraduate Studies JOHN F. KENNEdy UNIvERSITy

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