11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionswill also discuss the contours of emerging evolutionary andpost-metaphysical approaches to spirituality.iPP 5033 Living Systems 2An introduction to the basic principles of Living Systems Theory,which will be explored in the context of Ken Wilber's AQAL model.The course will include both theoretical and experientialcomponents, and students will be asked at the end of the course toapply these principles and practices to a selected area of interest(ecology, psychological development, community/culturaldevelopment, education, business or spiritual leadership, etc). Preorcorequisite: PHR 3405.iPP 5040 Professional inquiry 2In this course, students will go through a personal assessmentprocess of their work experience, skills, intentions, goals, and visionof present and future career options.iPP 5307 issues in religious Studies 1 - 3This course explores changing topics in religious studies such asAdvaita vedanta, women’s spirituality, and creation spirituality. Maybe repeated for credit with a change of topic.iPP 5309 Taoism 2This course examines the origins of Taoism in Chinese culture andthe thought of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. The resonance of Taoistideas with contemporary living is also covered.iPP 5310 integral Yoga 2This course explores the integral yoga philosophy of Sri Aurobindoand Haridas Chaudhuri as an evolutionary model of psychologicaland spiritual growth. Course includes integration of the yogas,different levels of mind, and cellular evolution. Spiritual principlesand experiential practices are also discussed.iPP 5041 Professional application 1In this course, students will complete an internship of their choice.This may include on-site training, research, or other projects thatdirectly relate to career goals. Prerequisite: IPP 5050.iPP 5045 integral inquiry 1 - 3This course offers a variety of topics related to communication andmethods of self-exploration from an integral perspective.iPP 5314 Shakti-Kundalini Yoga 2This course examines the philosophy and spiritual practice of India’skundalini yoga as a model of human development and map ofconsciousness.iPP 5315 Christian Mysticism 2The course examines a variety of ancient and contemporaryChristian mystics, whose spiritual quests have challenged orthodoxy and served as a basis for re-evaluating the Christian vision.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesiPP 5049 Transpersonal Psychology 3This course explores the basic theorists in transpersonal psychologyincluding the work of Carl Jung, Robert Assagioli, Stan Grof, andA.H. Almaas among others. Course also includes inquiry into statesof consciousness including meditation, dreams, and peakexperiences. Corequisite: COR 3145.iPP 5051 integral research a 2This course is designed to expose students to the foundations ofintegral research and guide them in beginning a research project tobe completed in the companion course, IPP 5052. Students willexplore the history and concept of research design; identify topicsfor research using the first-, second-, and third-person approaches;and explore the tradition of action inquiry. Finally, students willcomplete a project proposal that will serve as their research guidefor IPP 5052. Prerequisite: IPP 5900.iPP 5052 integral research B 2In this course, students will continue to use the principles of IPP5051 and complete a research project and paper. Prerequisite: IPP5051.iPP 5054 enneagram assessment 3The Enneagram will be presented as a model for understandingdefense strategies against experiencing and expressing one’sessential self. The course will focus on developmental perspectivesand intersubjective dynamics.Corequisite: COR 3145.iPP 5316 Jewish Mysticism 2The essentials of Judaism as presented in the Tanakh, and itsexpression in the movements of Gnosticism, Kabbalah, andHasidism.iPP 5317 advaita Vedanta: Self-realization 2Advaita vedanta (the teachings of non-duality) is the meditative andpsycho-philosophical system directed at the experientialrecognition of the individual “I” as timeless self, sole-existing realityand being/consciousness/bliss. The direct recognition of thisidentity frees one from sorrow and limitations. Course investigatesvedantic philosophy and meditative practices including Sri RamanaMaharshi’s method of subsiding the “I” sense in the heart.iPP 5318 Seminar in Sacred Psychology andreligion 1 - 3Topics in this seminar vary and include spiritual principles andpractices from different religious traditions. Topics include integralyoga, Buddhist psychology, nature spirituality, Sufism, Diamondapproach, Kabbalah, and feminine spirituality among others.iPP 5319 Seminar in religious Studies 1 - 3In-depth research and analysis of specific topics in religious studies.Topics include kundalini yoga, teachings of Jesus, and a mystic’svision.JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 137

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