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292<br />

Crops, Rates and Staging:<br />

Registered for all products:<br />

• Apply 1.11 to 1.72 L per acre. Apply only that needed to control the target weeds:<br />

Crop<br />

Pea<br />

Clover (alsike, ladino, red, white Dutch, wild white)<br />

Oats, wheat, rye or barley (alone or as a companion crop)<br />

Field corn<br />

Established pasture<br />

Stage<br />

3 to 6 expanded leaves.<br />

Monofoliate to 3 trifoliate leaf stage (with or without a<br />

cover crop).<br />

2 leaf to flag leaf stage.<br />

45 cm high to the start of tasseling – use drop nozzles.<br />

After grazing or cutting when weeds have regrown to a<br />

susceptible stage.<br />

Seedling Forage Grasses:<br />

• Apply at 1.11 to 1.42 L per acre from the 2 to 4 leaf stage:<br />

º Bromegrass<br />

(smooth, meadow)<br />

º Fescue (altai, red,<br />

meadow, tall)<br />

º Green needlegrass<br />

º Reed canarygrass<br />

º Timothy<br />

º Wheatgrass<br />

(crested, creeping<br />

intermediate,<br />

Registered for Tropotox Plus and Clovitox Plus only:<br />

northern,<br />

pubescent, slender,<br />

stream-bank, tall,<br />

western)<br />

º Wild rye (altai,<br />

Russian)<br />

º Seedling alfalfa for seed production* at the 3 to 6 trifoliate stage.<br />

NOTE: Seedling alfalfa vigour may be reduced in the year of treatment, however, the crop recovers and yield will not<br />

normally be affected.<br />

* Since this use is registered under the User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion program, the manufacturers assume no<br />

responsibility for herbicide performance. Users of this treatment on seedling alfalfa do so at their own risk.<br />

Maximum one application per year of these and other products containing the active ingredients MCPA/MCPB.<br />

Weeds, Rates and Staging:<br />

Weeds Stage Rate (L per acre)<br />

Lamb’s-quarters, Mustards (ball, wild, wormseed), Stinkweed Seedlings 1.11<br />

Annual sow-thistle*, Hemp-nettle*, Redroot pigweed, Ragweed,<br />

Shepherd’s-purse, Volunteer rapeseed (including canola), Wild<br />

radish*<br />

Seedlings 1.72<br />

Curled dock, Perennial sow-thistle**, Plantain Rosette 1.72<br />

Bull thistle Rosette to early bud 1.72<br />

Buttercup (creeping, tall), Field bindweed In spring during rapid growth 1.72<br />

Canada thistle 6 inches (15 cm) to early bud 1.72<br />

Horsetail* 6 inches (15 cm) 1.72<br />

* Suppression only<br />

** Top growth control only<br />

Application Information:<br />

• Water Volume:<br />

º Clovitox Plus: 71 to 91 L per acre.<br />

º Tropotox Plus, Topside: 61 to 81 L per acre.<br />

• Nozzles and Pressure: Maximum 40 psi (275 kPa) when using conventional flat fan nozzles. Low drift nozzles may<br />

require higher pressures for proper performance. Use a combination of nozzles and pressure designed to deliver<br />

thorough, even coverage with ASABE coarse droplets.

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