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549<br />

Clothianidin<br />

NipsIt INSIDE 600 Insecticide/Poncho 600 FS/Titan<br />

Poncho 600 FS is available to commercial seed treaters only. NipsIt INSIDE 600 Insecticide is<br />

available for on-farm seed treatment for wheat and potato only. Titan is available for on-farm<br />

seed treatment.<br />

Insecticide Group<br />

4<br />

Refer to page 437<br />

Company:<br />

Valent Canada Inc. distributed by Nufarm Agriculture (NipsIt INSIDE 600 Insecticide – PCP#28975)<br />

Bayer CropScience (Poncho 600 FS – PCP#27453; Titan – PCP#27449)<br />

Formulation:<br />

600 g per L clothianidin formulated as a suspension.<br />

• NipsIt INSIDE 600 Insecticide container size – 3.78 L<br />

• Poncho 600 FS container size – 56.8 L, 100 L, 113 L, 200 L, 1000 L<br />

• Titan container size – 1 L, 3.8 L, 10 L, 200 L, 1000 L<br />

Crops, Insects and Rates:<br />

Product Crop Insects Controlled Rate per 100 kg of seed<br />

NipsIt INSIDE 600<br />

Insecticide<br />

Poncho 600 FS<br />

NipsIt INSIDE<br />

600 Insecticide<br />

Titan<br />

NipsIt INSIDE 600<br />

Insecticide<br />

Canola,<br />

rapeseed<br />

Flea beetles 250, 333 or 666 mL 1<br />

Corn Wireworm; seed corn maggot 33.3 to 66.6 mL per<br />

80,000 units of seed<br />

Corn rootworm 166.7 mL per 80,000<br />

units of seed<br />

Potatoes Wireworms 20.8 mL<br />

Aphid (potato, green peach, foxglove and buckthorn<br />

aphids), Colorado potato beetle, potato leafhopper,<br />

potato flea beetle (overwintered adults and<br />

suppression of second generation)<br />

10.4 to 20.8 mL<br />

Wheat Wireworm 17 to 100 mL 2<br />

1<br />

Increasing rates for low, moderate and severe flea beetle pressure.<br />

2<br />

Rate of 17 mL per 100 kg of seed provides wireworm suppression only. Use higher rates of 33 to 100 mL per 100 kg of<br />

seed on wheat seed to be planted into fields known to have a history of severe wireworm infestations.<br />

Seed Treatments<br />

Application Information:<br />

Poncho 600 FS is for use in commercial seed treatment facilities with closed transfer systems only. Poncho 600 FS DOES<br />

NOT contain a colourant. An appropriate colour must be added when this product is applied. Seed treatment must be<br />

thoroughly agitated to ensure uniform mixing of product prior to and during application. Treatment of highly mechanically<br />

scarred or damaged seed or seed known to be of low vigour and poor quality may result in reduced germination and/or<br />

reduction of seed and seedling vigour.<br />

Titan is a seed piece treatment. Apply specified rate as a diluted spray onto seed pieces using a well contained, shielded<br />

spray system to prevent the loss of any liquid. Apply only in areas with adequate ventilation or in areas equipped to remove<br />

spray mist or dust. Agitate or stir spray solution as needed. For optimal insect control good coverage of seed pieces is<br />

required. DO NOT dilute with any more than 6 parts water to 1 part Titan. Plant seed pieces as soon as possible after cutting<br />

and treating.

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