
food chemistry

food chemistry


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1.4 Proteins 59

Table 1.28. pK values of protein side chains

Group pK Group pK

(25 ◦ C) (25 ◦ C)

α-Carboxyl- 3–4 Imidazolium- 4–8

β,γ-Carboxyl- 3–5 Hydroxyα-Ammonium-

7–8 (aromatic) 9–12

ε-Ammonium- 9–11 Thiol 8–11

Guanidinium- 12–13

of 6–6.5, while the pK of the β-carboxyl group of

Asp 66 is 1.5–2, of Asp 52 is 3–4.6 and of Asp 101

is 4.2–4.7.

The total charge of a protein, which is the absolute

sum of all positive and negative charges,

is differentiated from the so-called net charge

which, depending on the pH, may be positive,

zero or negative. By definition the net charge is

zero and the total charge is maximal at the isoelectric

point. Lowering or raising the pH tends

to increase the net charge towards its maximum,

while the total charge always becomes less than

at the isolectric point.

Since proteins interact not only with protons but

also with other ions, there is a further differentiation

between an isoionic and an isoelectric point.

The isoionic point is defined as the pH of a protein

solution at infinite dilution, with no other

ions present except for H + and HO − . Such a protein

solution can be acquired by extensive dialy-

sis (or, better, electrodialysis) against water. The

isoionic point is constant for a given substance

while the isoelectric point is variable depending

on the ions present and their concentration. In

the presence of salts, i. e. when binding of anions

is stronger than that of cations, the isoelectric

point is lower than the isoionic point. The

reverse is true when cationic binding is dominant.

Figure 1.33 shows the shift in pH of an

isoionic serum albumin solution after addition

of various salts. The shift in pH is consistently

positive, i. e. the protein binds more anions than


The titration curve of β-lactoglobulin at various

ionic strengths (Fig. 1.34) shows that the isoelectric

point of this protein, at pH 5.18, is independent

of the salts present. The titration curves are,

however, steeper with increasing ionic strength,

which indicates greater suppression of the electrostatic

interaction between protein molecules.

At its isoelectric point a protein is the least soluble

and the most likely to precipitate (“isoelectric

precipitation”) and is at its maximal crystallization

capacity. The viscosity of solubilized proteins

and the swelling power of insoluble proteins

are at a minimum at the isoelectric point.

When the amino acid composition of a protein is

known, the isoelectric point can be estimated according

to the following formula:


Fig. 1.33. pH-shift of isoionic serum albumin solutions by added salts. (according to Edsall and Wymann, 1958)

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