
food chemistry

food chemistry


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Index 1067

Vitamin A concentrate, production 655

Vitamin B 12 416, 417

–, coenzyme, mechanism 532, 533

–, occurrence 409(T)

Vitamin B 1 ,

–, degradation reaction 412, 412

–, determination 413, 413

–, loss 412(T)

–, loss during food processing 403(T)

–, occurrence 409(T)

Vitamin B 2 102, 102

–, loss during food processing 403(T)

–, stability 413

Vitamin B 6 413, 414

–, occurrence 409(T)

–, stability 424

Vitamin C 417, 418

–, dried fruit 849, 850, 850(T)

–, fruit juice 853(T)

–, loss 419, 419, 420(F)

–, loss during food processing 403(T)

–, occurrence 409(T)

–, pickled vegetable 802

–, sauerkraut 803

Vitamin D 406, 406

–, determination 233

–, occurrence 409(T)

Vitamin D 2 406, 406

Vitamin D 3 406, 406

–, formation from 7-dehydrocholesterol 229, 230(F)

Vitamin E 407, 408

–, occurrence 409(T)

Vitamin K, biological activity 408, 411

Vitamin K 1 411

–, occurrence 409(T)

Vitispiran 243, 244

VLDL 184

Vodka 935

Volatile, spice 971, 971(T)

Volatile compound, Maillard reaction 274

Vomitoxin 473, 474(T)

Vulgaxanthin 797, 797

Walnut, chemical composition 816(T)

–, oil 651(T), 653

Warmed over flavor, formation 608, 608(T)

–, meat 595, 596(T)

Water, coordination number 002, 002(T)

–, density 002

–, determination, NIR 706(T)

–, dissociation 002

–, H-bridge 002

–, molecular geometry 001(F)

–, orbital model 001(F)

–, structure 001

–, unfrozen 005, 006(T)

Water (see also drinking water)

Water activity, browning, nonenzymatic 004, 004(F)

–, food preservation 003

–, food quality 003, 004(T)

–, lipid peroxidation 004, 004(F)

–, moisture content 004(T)

–, range 004

–, storage stability 003(F)

Water binding, desorption isotherm 004(F)

–, sorption isotherm 004(F)

Water binding capacity, protein 061

Water content, enzyme activity 137, 137(T)

–, food 001(T)

Water holding capacity, meat 590, 591, 592(F),


Water molecule, coordination 001(F)

–, hydrogen bond 001, 001(F), 002

Water retention, protein 061, 061

Watercress, aroma substance 791

Wax 186

–, fruit 820

Wax ester, analysis 666(F)

Waxy corn 317(T)

Waxy corn starch, gelatinization behavior 317(T)

Weiss beer, Bavarian 903

–, Berlin 903

Whale 636

Whale meat extract 040(T), 602

Whale oil 644

–, fatty acid composition 644(T)


–, amylase 695, 696(T)

–, arabinoxylan hydrolase 698

–, ascorbic acid oxidase 698, 699(T)

–, baking quality, gluten protein 690(F)

–, carbohydrate 701

–, carotinoid 705

–, catalase 698

–, cellulose 703

–, chemical composition 675(T)

–, cultivar difference, HMW subunit 692, 694(F)

–, cysteinyl glycine 699, 699(T)

–, differentiation of wheat cultivar 676(F), 682(F)

–, dough making, microscopy 726, 728(F)

–, dough strengthening 723(F), 730, 731(F)

–, enzyme 695

–, flour, air classification 709

–, flour extraction rate 709(T)

–, friabilin 695

–, glucofructan 703

–, glutamyl cysteine 699, 699(T)

–, glutathione, protein-bound 699, 700(T)

–, glutathione dehydrogenase 698, 698, 699(T)

–, gluten 673

–, gluten protein 680

–, glutenin 679

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