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680 15 Cereals and Cereal Products

cereals, Triticeae prolamins contain significantly

higher levels of glutamic acid and proline. This

suggests that the difference in prolamin composition,

induced by these amino acids, may be responsible

for Celiac disease. Protein Components

of Wheat Gluten

Wheat protein fractionation by the Osborne

method provides prolamins and glutelins in

a ratio of 1:1. Both fractions, in hydrated form,

have different effects on the rheological characteristics

of dough: prolamins are responsible,

preferentially, for viscosity, and glutelins for

dough strength and elasticity.

The genes for the gluten proteins occur at nine

different complex loci in the wheat genome.

The high molecular weight glutenin subunits

are coded by the loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and

Glu-D1, which are carried on the long arms

of the chromosomes 1A, 1B and 1D. The

low molecular weight glutenin subunits, the

ω-gliadins and the γ-gliadins are coded by the

loci Gli-A1, Gli-B1 and Gli-D1, which occur

on the short arms of the chromosomes 1A, 1B

and 1D. The α-gliadins are coded by the loci

Gli-A2, Gli-B2 and Gli-D2 on the short arms of

the group G chromosomes. It is presumed that

the variation seen in different varieties is due

to the presence of allelic genes at each of the

nine storage protein loci. The relative importance

of different alleles for gluten quality seems to

be Glu-1 > Gli-1 > Gli-2.

A fractionation of gluten proteins is possible by

two-dimensional electrophoresis. Figure 15.3

provides a schematic overview of the position

of the most important protein groups in a twodimensional

electropherogram. The pattern of

glutenins of two wheat cultivars are shown in

Fig. 15.4.

Gluten proteins can be separated into their components

on an analytical and micropreparative

scale by using RP-HPLC. In general, this separation

starts with the Osborne fractions or subfractions.

In this way, the prolamines of wheat can be separated

into ω-, α-, γ-gliadins (Fig. 15.5), different

varieties of wheat giving different patterns,

e. g., the cultivars Clement and Maris Huntsman

Fig. 15.3. Wheat endosperm proteins (cultivar “Chinese

Spring”). Simplified schematic representation of a twodimensional

electrophoretic separation.

1st. Dimension: isoelectric focussing (IEF) and nonequilibrium

pH gradient electrophoresis (NEPHGE).

The electropherograms obtained by both methods are

put together at the broken line in such a way that a continuous

pH gradient is formed.

2nd. Dimension: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in

the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and mercaptoethanol


The following protein fractions can be recognized:

high-molecular glutenin subunits (1); basic (2) and

acidic (3) low-molecular glutenin subunits; γ- (4)and

ω-gliadins (5); subunits of the triplet band (6, 10); highmolecular

albumins (7); globulins (8) and nonreserve

proteins (9). (according to Payne et al., 1985)

known to produce sticky dough have a characteristically

high ω-gliadin content.

The prolamin patterns of other cereals (Fig. 15.6)

differ greatly from that of wheat. In rye, the

hydrophilic ω-secalins are followed by the hydrophobic

γ-secalins. And unlike wheat (α-gliadins),

the area of moderate hydrophobicity is

not occupied. In barley, a hydrophilic fraction is

missing: the C-hordeins eluted in the middle area

are followed by the hydrophobic B-hordeins. The

chromatogram of oats is characterized by two

hydrophobic fractions that are close to each other.

The low-molecular subunits of wheat glutelins

also give a chromatogram rich in components

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