
food chemistry

food chemistry


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280 4 Carbohydrates



instable compounds which undergo reactions

with other amino components. In the presence

of mainly primary amines (amino acids),

aminoreductones are formed (pyrrolinones,

Formula 4.79) and in the presence of secondary

amino acids, relatively stable carbocyclic

compounds (Formula 4.80).

The following compounds were detected in reaction

mixtures containing proline and hydroxyproline.

Their formation must proceed via the

1-deoxyosones as well:


The pyrrolidino- and dipyrrolidinohexose reductones

were characterized as bitter substances

obtained from heated proline/saccharose mixtures

(190 ◦ C, 30 min, molar ratio 3:1; c sbi :0.8

and 0.03 mmol/l). Secondary Products of 4-Deoxyosones

As shown in Formula 4.38, 2-hydroxyacetylfuran

is one the reaction products of 4-deoxyosone.

However, this compound is preferentially

formed in carbohydrate degradation in the absence

of amine components. If it is formed from

the Amadori product in accordance with Formula

4.57, the amino acid remains in the reaction

product, producing furosine (Formula 4.82). In

the presence of higher concentrations of primary

amines, the formation of 2-hydroxyacetylfuran

(and also furosine) is significantly suppressed

in favor of the corresponding pyrrole and pyridiniumbetaine

(Formula 4.84). The reason for

this is that the triketo structures formed from

4,5-dideoxyosone by enolization react with

primary amines, amino acids or ammonia to give

pyrrole and pyridine derivatives (Formula 4.83).


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