
food chemistry

food chemistry


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298 4 Carbohydrates

Fig. 4.13. Stabilizatioin of helical conformations.

a Clathrate compounds, b coiled double or triple helices,

c “nesting” (according to Rees, 1977)

can form double or triple stranded helices

(Fig. 4.13, b; cf. and, while

strongly-stretched chains, in order to stabilize the

conformation, have a zigzag, pleated association

and are not stranded (Fig. 4.13, c). Crumpled-Type Conformation

This conformation occurs with, for example, 1,2-

linked β-D-glucopyranosyl residues (Fig. 4.12,

c). This is due to the wrinkled geometry of the

monomer O-bridge linkages: Conformations of Heteroglycans


The examples considered so far have demonstrated

that a prediction is possible for a homoglycan

conformation based on the geometry

of the bonds of the monomer units which

maintain the oxygen bridges. It is more difficult

to predict the conformation of a heteroglycan

with a periodic sequence of several monomers,

which implies different types of conformations.

Such a case is shown by ι-carrageenan, in which

the β-D-galactopyranosyl-4-sulfate units have

a U-form geometry, while the 3,6-anhydro-α-Dgalactopyranosyl-2-sulfate

residues have a zigzag



Here, the n value varies from 4 up to −2 andhis

2–3 Å. The conformation reproduced in Fig. 4.12,

chasn = 2.62 and h = 2.79 Å. The likelihood

of such a disorderly form associating into more

orderly conformations is low. Polysaccharides of

this conformational type play only a negligible

role in nature. Loosely-Jointed Conformation

This is typical for glycans with 1,6-linked β-Dglucopyranosyl

units, because they exhibit a particularly

great variability in conformation.

The great flexibility of this glycan-type conformation

is based on the nature of the connecting

bridge between the monomers. The bridge has

three free rotational bonds and, furthermore, the

sugar residues are further apart:


Calculations have shown that conformational

possibilities vary from a shortened, compressed

ribbon band type to a stretched helix type. X-ray

diffraction analyses have proved that a stretched

helix exists, but as a double stranded helix in

order to stabilize the conformation (cf.

and Fig. 4.19). Interchain Interactions

It was outlined in the introductory section

(cf. 4.4.1) that the periodically arranged monosaccharide

sequence in a polysaccharide can

be interrupted by nonperiodic segments. Such

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