
food chemistry

food chemistry


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576 12 Meat

NO, N − 3

), low-spin complexes are formed, the

spectra of which are similar to those of MbO 2 .

The change of Fe 2+ → Fe 3+ is designated as autoxidation:


The oxygen molecule dissociates from the heme,

taking along an electron from the iron, after protonation

of its outer, more negative oxygen atom

to form a hydroperoxy radical, the conjugate acid

of the superoxide anion (cf. The proton

may originate from the distal histidine residue

or other globin residues or from the surrounding

medium. Autoxidation is accelerated by a drop in

pH. The reason is the increased dissociation of the

protein-pigment complex:

Globin + Heme k 1


←− Myoglobin (12.5)


Soon after slaughter, the meat has a pH at

or near 7, at which the equilibrium constant

of the above reaction is K = k 1 /k −1 =

10 12 −10 15 mole −1 . Since, during post-rigor,

glycolysis decreases the pH of the meat to 5–6,

myoglobin becomes increasingly susceptible to


The stability of MbO 2 is also highly dependent

on temperature. Its half-life, τ, atpH5is2.8h

at 25 ◦ C and 5 days at 0 ◦ C. Fresh meat has

a system which can reduce MMb + back to Mb.

Although various enzymatic and non-enzymatic

reactions take part in this system, their contribution

to the preservation of the color of fresh

meat is unclear. One proposal suggests the participation

of a NADH-cytochrome b 5 -reductase.

This enzyme which was detected in meat reduces

MMb ⊕ and MHb ⊕ . In addition, a series of nonspecific

reductases, also known as diaphorases,

are supposed to play a role in this system. The

slow formation of MMb + can be reversed at

the low partial pressure of O 2 which is found

inside the cut of meat or in packaged, sealed

meat. Therefore, for color stabilty, packaging of

meat in O 2 -permeable materials is not suitable

since, after a time, its reduction capacity is fully

exhausted. A non-O 2 -permeable material is

suitable for packaging meat. All of the pigment

is present as Mb and is transformed to the bright

red MbO 2 only when the package is opened.

Stabilization of the color of meat is also possible

under controlled atmosphere packaging.

A gaseous mixture of CO and air appears to be


Copper ions promote autoxidation of heme to

a great extent, while other metal ions, such as

Fe 3+ ,Zn 2+ or Al 3+ , are less active. Curing, Reddening

Color stabilization by the addition of nitrate or nitrite

(meat curing) plays an important role in meat

processing. Nitrite initially oxidizes myoglobin to


Mb + NO ⊖ 2 → MMb⊕ + NO (12.6)

The resulting NO forms bright-red, highly stable

complexes with Mb and MMb + , MbNO and

MMb + NO:


Reducing agents, such as ascorbate, thiols or

NADH, accelerate the reddening by reducing

nitrite to NO and MMb + to Mb. Nitrosylmyoglobin,

MbNO, is formed, which is highly stable

when O 2 is absent. However, in the presence of

O 2 , the NO released by dissociation of MbNO is

oxidized to NO 2 .

The color of cured meat is heat stable. Denatured

nitrosylmyoglobin is present in heated meat, or,

due to dissociation of the proteinpigment complex,

heme occurs with NO ligands present in

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