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food chemistry


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21.2 Tea and Tea-Like Products 953

Table 21.15. Composition (%, dry weight basis) of

fresh and fermented tea leaves and of tea brew

Constituent Fresh Black tea Black tea


brew a


compounds b 30 5 4.5

Oxidized phenolic

compounds c 0 25 15

Protein 15 15 + d

Amino acids 4 4 3.5

Caffeine 4 4 3.2

Crude fiber 26 26 0

Other carbohydrates 7 7 4

Lipids 7 7 +

Pigments e 2 2 +

Volatile compounds 0.1 0.1 0.1

Minerals 5 5 4.5

a Brewing time 3 min. b Mostly flavanols. c Mostly

thearubigins. d Traces. e Chlorophyll and carotenoids.

uble in hot water; this is significantly more than

for roasted coffee. Phenolic Compounds (cf.

Phenolic compounds make up 25–35% of the

dry matter content of young, fresh tea leaves.

Flavanol compounds (Table 21.16) are 80% of

the phenols, while the remainder is proanthocyanidins,

phenolic acids, flavonols and flavones.

During fermentation the flavanols are oxidized

enzymatically to compounds which are responsible

for the color and flavor of black tea. The

reddish-yellow color of black tea extract is largely

due to theaflavins and thearubigins (cf. 21.2.6).

The astringent taste is caused primarily by flavonol-3-glycosides.


is especially

active with a threshold value of 0.001 µmol/l.

Also of importance are (threshold values):


O-β-D-glucopyranoside] (0.25 µmol/l), quercetin-3-O-β-15-D-galactopyranoside

(0.43 µmol/l),

quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside (0.65 µmol/l) and

kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (0.67

µmol/l). The enzymes are inactivated in green

tea, hence flavanol oxidation is prevented. The

greenish or yellowish color of green tea is due

Table 21.16. Phenolic compounds in fresh tea leaves

(% dry matter)



(−)-Epicatechin 1–3

(−)-Epicatechin gallate 3–6

(−)-Epicatechin digallate

+ a

(−)-Epigallocatechin 3–6

(−)-Epigallocatechin gallate 9–13

(−)-Epigallocatechin digallate +

(+)-Catechin 1–2

(+)-Gallocatechin 3–4

Flavonols and flavonolglycosides

(quercetin, kaempherol, etc.) +


(vitexin, etc.) +

Leucoanthocyanins 2–3

Phenolic acids and esters

(gallic acid, chlorogenic acids)

p-Coumaroylquinic acid, theogallin ∼5

Phenols, grand total 25–35

a Quantitative data are not available.

to the presence of flavonols and flavones. Thus,

tea which is processed into green or black tea is

chemically readily distinguishable mainly by the

composition of phenolic compounds. Green tea

contains 17.5% and black tea 14.4% of polyphenols

(expressed in gallic acid equivalents). The

main components in green tea are the catechins

(90% of the polyphenol fraction), which account

for only 25% in black tea.

Changes in the content of the phenols occur during

tea leaf growth on the shrub: the concentration

decreases and the composition of this fraction

is altered. Therefore, good quality tea is obtained

only from young leaves. Among the remaining

phenolic compounds theogallin (XI in

Formula 18.14) plays a special role, since it is

found only in tea and is correlated with tea quality. Enzymes

A substantial part of the protein fraction in tea

consists of enzymes.

The polyphenol oxidases, which are located

mainly within the cells of leaf epidermis, are

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