
food chemistry

food chemistry


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Index 1063

–, protein 053

–, triosephosphate isomerase 056(F)

Testosterone 228, 228

Tetrahydropyridine, 2-acetyl, formation 369, 371(F)

–, odor threshold value 369(T)

Tetranitromethane 070

Tetrasaccharide 295(T)

Tetrulose 252

Texturized protein 087

–, extrusion process 089

–, spin process 088

Thaumatin 437

Thaumatin I, amino acid sequence 438(T)

–, conformation 436, 437(F), 437(T)

Theaflavin 956, 957

Theanderose, honey 886(T)

Theanine, tea 954

Thearubigen 956, 957

Theobromine, bitter taste, synergism 963(T), 964,


–, cacao bean 961, 961(T)

–, coffee 943

–, cola nut 958

Theogallin 825, 954

Theophylline, coffee 944

Thermization, milk 518

Thermogram 739(F)

Thermolysine, specificity 078(T), 079

Thermoplastic gel 063

Thermoreversible gel 063

Thiabendazole, antimicrobial action 454, 455

Thiamine, degradation to aroma substance 365,


–, determination 413, 413

–, loss 412(T)

–, rice 710(T)

Thiamine (see also vitamin B 1 ) 411, 411

Thiazole 367

Thiazole 2-acetyl-

–, odor threshold value 367(T)

Thiazole, 2-acetyl- 367(T)

Thiazole, 2-isobutyl- 367(T), 387

–, odor threshold value 367(T)

Thiazole, benzo- 367(T)

Thiazolylbenzimidazole, antimicrobial action 454,


Thickening agent 464

–, analysis 335

Thiobarbituric acid test 668

Thiocarbamylamino acid 020

Thiocyanate, milk 517, 517

Thiocyanate (see also rhodanide)

Thioether, formation 024

Thioglucosidase 790

–, industrial application 153

Thiol-disulfide exchange, milk protein 519

Thiooxazolidone, goiter 798

Thiosulfate 456(T)

Thiourethane 790

Thousand kernel weight, cereal 674(T)

Threonine 010

–, aroma substance precursor 362

–, degradation to propanal 376

–, discovery 012

–, reaction 024

–, synthesis 033

Threose 249, 249, 251

Threshold value, taste 034

Thrombin 075

Thujone 384

Thyme, essential oil, chemical composition 974(T)

Thymine 047, 143

Thymol 972

Thymus, veal, chemical composition 594(T)

Thyroxine 427

Tin 427

Titin, meat 569, 570(F)

Titration curve, amino acid 013(F)

TLCK 069

Tocopherol, analysis 233

–, antioxidative activity, mechanism 217, 217

–, biological activity 407(T)

–, fat hardening 658

–, HPLC 234, 235(F)

–, loss, deep frying 408(T)

–, loss in raffination 233

–, photometrc determination 234

–, reaction with peroxy radical 215, 216, 216

–, requirement, fatty acid 407(T)

–, stereochemistry 407(T)

–, wheat, part of kernel 706, 706(T)

Tocopherol (see also vitamin E) 407, 408

Tocopherol, α-

–, antioxidant activity 216, 216, 217(T)

–, margarine 661

–, reaction product 216, 216

Tocopherol, β -

–, indicator for wheat germ oil 233

–, occurrence 234(T)

–, structure 234(F)

Tocopherol, δ -

–, occurrence 234(T)

–, structure 234(F)

Tocopherol, γ-

–, antioxidant activity 216, 216, 217(T)

–, occurrence 234(T)

–, reaction product 216, 216

–, structure 234(F)

Tocotrienol, α-

–, occurrence 234(T)

–, structure 234(F)

Tocotrienol, β -

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