
food chemistry

food chemistry


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844 18 Fruits and Fruit Products

Fig. 18.9. Respiration rise in tomatoes —— : CO 2 ,


pending on the fruit, this can occur before or after

harvesting. Figures 18.8 and 18.9 show that

such a rise occurs a short time after harvest for

apples and tomatoes and is accompanied by increased

ethylene production.

The climacteric respiration rise is so specific that

fruits can be divided into:

• Climacteric types, such as apples, apricots,

avocados, bananas, pears, mangoes, papaya,

passion fruit, peaches, plums/prunes and

tomatoes; and

• Nonclimacteric types, which include pineapples,

oranges, strawberries, figs, grapefruit,

cucumbers, cherries, cantaloupes, melons,

grapes and lemons.

It should be emphasized that nonclimacteric

fruits generally ripen on the plants and contain

no starch. The differing effects of ethylene

on the two types of fruits are covered in


Fruits can also be classified according to respiration

behavior after harvesting. Three fruit types

are distinguished:

Type 1: A slow drop in CO 2 production during

ripening (as illustrated by citrus fruits).

Type 2: A temporary rise in CO 2 production. The

fruits are fully ripe after this increase

reaches a maximum (e. g., avocados, bananas,

mangoes or tomatoes).

Type 3: Maximum CO 2 production in the fully

ripe stage, until the fruit is overripe

(e. g. strawberries and peaches).

The reason for the increase in CO 2 production is

not yet fully elucidated. Physical and chemical

factors are involved. For example, a change

in permeability for gases occurs in fruit peels.

With increasing age the peel cuticle becomes

thicker and is more strongly impregnated with

fluid waxes and oils. Thus, the total permeability

drops, while the CO 2 concentration

within the fruit increases. Three possibilities

are usually considered for the rise in CO 2

production. The first is related to increased

protein biosynthesis coupled with increased

ATP consumption thus stimulating enhanced

respiration. Secondly, since the respiratory

quotient (RQ) increases from 1 to 1.4–1.6, it

is assumed that the additional CO 2 source is

not due to respiration but to decarboxylation

of malate and pyruvate, i.e. there is a switch

from the citric acid cycle to malate degradation.

Another possibility is the partial uncoupling of

respiration from phosphorylation by an unknown


New concepts involving structural factors suggest

that fruit flesh possesses marked photosynthetic

activity which is then associated with CO 2

uptake. With the onset of ripening, an increased

disorganization occurs in chloroplasts and other

cell organelles. Photosynthetic activity decreases

and finally stops completely. The same is the

case for other synthetic activities. Catabolic

processes, catalyzed by cytoplasmic enzymes,

become dominant. Based on such a perception

(Phan et al., 1975) the “climacteric is seen as an

indication of the natural end of a period of active

synthesis and maintenance, and the beginning of

the actual senescence of the fruit”. Changes in Metabolic Pathways

Metabolic shifts may occur in several fruits during

ripening. For example, during ripening of bananas,

there is a marked rise in aldolase and carboxylase

activities and thus it appears that at this

stage the Embden–Meyerhoff pathway becomes

dominant and the pentose-phosphate pathway is


An increase in malate and pyruvate decarboxylase

activities is observed in apples during

the climacteric stage. The activities drop as

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