Operations and Supply Chain Management The Core

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∙ A critical mass of specialized functional-area experts creates synergistic solutions to

a project’s technical problems.


∙ Aspects of the project that are not directly related to the functional area get shortchanged.

∙ The motivation of team members is often weak.

∙ The needs of the client are secondary and are responded to slowly.

Matrix project

A structure that

blends the functional

and pure project

structures. Each

project uses people

from different

functional areas. A

dedicated project

manager decides

what tasks need

to be performed

and when, but the

functional managers

control which people

to use.

Matrix Project The classic specialized organizational form, the “matrix project,” attempts

to blend properties of functional and pure project structures. Each project utilizes people

from different functional areas. The project manager (PM) decides what tasks and when they

will be performed, but the functional managers control which people and technologies are

used. If the matrix form is chosen, different projects (rows of the matrix) borrow resources

from functional areas (columns). Senior management must then decide whether a weak,

balanced, or strong form of a matrix is to be used. This establishes whether project managers

have little, equal, or more authority than the functional managers with whom they negotiate

for resources.





Engineering Manufacturing Marketing


Project A


Project B


Project C


∙ Communication between functional divisions is enhanced.

∙ A project manager is held responsible for successful completion of the project.

∙ The duplication of resources is minimized.

∙ Team members have a functional “home” after project completion, so they have

fewer life-after-project concerns than if they were a pure project organization.

∙ Policies of the parent organization are followed. This increases support for the project.


∙ There are two bosses. Often, the functional manager will be listened to before the

project manager. After all, who can promote you or give you a raise?

∙ It is doomed to failure unless the PM has strong negotiating skills.

∙ Suboptimization is a danger, as PMs hoard resources for their own project, thus

harming other projects.

Note that regardless of which of the three major organizational forms is used, the

project manager is the primary contact point with the customer. Communication and

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