Operations and Supply Chain Management The Core

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FORECASTING chapter 3 73

Step 5. Inventory replenishment. Once the corresponding forecasts are in agreement,

the order forecast becomes an actual order, which commences the replenishment process.

Each of these steps is then repeated iteratively in a continuous cycle, at varying

times, by individual products and the calendar of events established between trading

partners. For example, partners may review the front-end partnership agreement annually,

evaluate the joint business plans quarterly, develop forecasts weekly to monthly,

and replenish daily.

The early exchange of information between trading partners provides for reliable,

longer-term future views of demand in the supply chain. The forward visibility based on

information sharing leads to a variety of benefits within supply chain partnerships.

As with most new corporate initiatives, there is skepticism and resistance to change.

One of the largest hurdles hindering collaboration is the lack of trust over complete information

sharing between supply chain partners. The conflicting objective between the

profit-maximizing vendor and the cost-minimizing customer gives rise to adversarial supply

chain relationships. Sharing sensitive operating data may enable one trading partner to

take advantage of the other. Similarly, there is the potential loss of control as a barrier to

implementation. Some companies are rightfully concerned about the idea of placing strategic

data such as financial reports, manufacturing schedules, and inventory values online.

Companies open themselves to security breaches. The front-end partnership agreements,

nondisclosure agreements, and limited information access may help overcome these fears.


LO3–1 Understand how forecasting is essential to supply chain planning.

Forecasts are essential to every business organization. It is important to consider the purpose of

the forecast before selecting the technique.

∙ Strategic forecasts are typically longer term and usually involve forecasting demand for a

group of products.

∙ Tactical forecasts would cover only a short period of time, at most a few weeks in the future,

and would typically be for individual items.

Forecasts are used in many different problems studied in this book.

Strategic forecasts Medium- and long-term forecasts used to make decisions related to strategy

and estimating aggregate demand.

Tactical forecasts Short-term forecasts used as input for making day-to-day decisions related to

meeting demand.

LO3–2 Evaluate demand using quantitative forecasting models.

In this chapter, the focus is on time series analysis techniques. With a time series analysis, past

demand data are used to predict future demand.

∙ Demand can be broken down or “decomposed” into basic elements, such as trend,

seasonality, and random variation (there are other elements, but these are the ones considered

in this chapter).

∙ Four different time series models are evaluated: simple moving average, weighted moving

average, exponential smoothing, and linear regression.

∙ Trend and seasonal components are analyzed for these problems.

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