Operations and Supply Chain Management The Core

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firm to focus on activities that represent its core competencies. Thus, the company can create

a competitive advantage while reducing cost. An entire function may be outsourced, or

some elements of an activity may be outsourced, with the rest kept in-house. For example,

some of the elements of information technology may be strategic, some may be critical,

and some may be performed less expensively by a third party. Identifying a function as a

potential outsourcing target, and then breaking that function into its components, allows

decision makers to determine which activities are strategic or critical and should remain

in-house and which can be outsourced like commodities. As an example, outsourcing the

logistics function will be discussed.



functions that

support the

complete cycle of

material flow: from

the purchase and

internal control of

production materials;

to the planning and

control of workin-process;

to the

purchasing, shipping,

and distribution of

the finished product.

Logistics Outsourcing

There has been dramatic growth in outsourcing in the logistics area. Logistics is a term

that refers to the management functions that support the complete cycle of material

flow: from the purchase and internal control of production materials; to the planning and

control of work-in-process; to the purchasing, shipping, and distribution of the finished

product. The emphasis on lean inventory means there is less room for error in deliveries.

Trucking companies such as Ryder have started adding the logistics aspect to their

businesses—changing from merely moving goods from point A to point B, to managing

all or part of all shipments over a longer period, typically three years, and replacing the

shipper’s employees with their own. Logistics companies now have complex computer

tracking technology that reduces the risk in transportation and allows the logistics company

to add more value to the firm than it could if the function were performed in-house.

Third-party logistics providers track freight using electronic data interchange technology

and a satellite system to tell customers exactly where its drivers are and when deliveries

will be made. Such technology is critical in some environments where the delivery window

may be only 30 minutes long.

FedEx Corporation has one of the most advanced systems available for tracking items

being sent through its services. The system is available to all customers over the Internet.

It tells the exact status of each item currently being carried by the company. Information on

the exact time a package is picked up, when it is transferred between hubs in the company’s

network, and when it is delivered is available on the system. You can access this system at the

FedEx Web site (www.fedex.com). Select your country on the initial screen and then select

“Track Shipments” in the Track box in the lower part of the page. Of course, you will need

the actual tracking number for an item currently in the system to get information. FedEx has

integrated its tracking system with many of its customers’ in-house information systems.

One of the drawbacks to outsourcing is the layoffs that often result. Even in cases where

the outsourcing partner hires former employees, they are often hired back at lower wages

with fewer benefits. Outsourcing is perceived by many unions as an effort to circumvent

union contracts.

Framework for Supplier Relationships

In theory, outsourcing is a no-brainer. Companies can unload noncore activities, shed balance

sheet assets, and boost their return on capital by using third-party service providers.

But in reality, things are more complicated.

Exhibit 13.5 is a useful framework to help managers make appropriate choices for the

structure of supplier relationships. The decision goes beyond the notion that “core competencies”

should be maintained under the direct control of management of the firm and

that other activities should be outsourced. In this framework, a continuum that ranges from

vertical integration to arm’s-length relationships forms the basis for the decision.

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