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PROJECTS chapter 5 131

flexibility are greatly enhanced because one person is responsible for successful completion

of the project.

Organizing Project Tasks

A project starts out as a statement of work (SOW). The SOW may be a written description

of the objectives to be achieved, with a brief statement of the work to be done and

a proposed schedule specifying the start and completion dates. It also could contain performance

measures in terms of budget and completion steps (milestones) and the written

reports to be supplied.

A task is a further subdivision of a project. It is usually not longer than several months

in duration and is performed by one group or organization. A subtask may be used if

needed to further subdivide the project into more meaningful pieces.

A work package is a group of activities combined to be assignable to a single organizational

unit. It still falls into the format of all project management; the package provides

a description of what is to be done, when it is to be started and completed, the budget,

measures of performance, and specific events to be reached at points in time. These specific

events are called project milestones. Typical milestones might be the completion of

the design, the production of a prototype, the completed testing of the prototype, and the

approval of a pilot run.

The work breakdown structure (WBS) defines the hierarchy of project tasks, subtasks,

and work packages. Completion of one or more work packages results in the completion

of a subtask; completion of one or more subtasks results in the completion of a task;

and, finally, the completion of all tasks is required to complete the project. A representation

of this structure is shown in Exhibit 5.2.

Exhibit 5.3 shows the WBS for an optical scanner project in a slightly different format.

The WBS is important in organizing a project because it breaks down the project into

manageable pieces. The number of levels will vary depending on the project. How much

detail or how many levels to use depends on the following:

Project milestone

A specific event in a


Work breakdown

structure (WBS)

The hierarchy

of project tasks,

subtasks, and work


∙ The level at which a single individual or organization can be assigned responsibility

and accountability for accomplishing the work package.

∙ The level at which budget and cost data will be collected during the project.

An Example of a Work Breakdown Structure

exhibit 5.2




Project 1 Project 2


Task 1.1 Task 1.2


Subtask 1.1.1 Subtask 1.1.2


Work package Work package

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