Operations and Supply Chain Management The Core

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the firm valued at cost. It includes the raw material, work-in-process, finished goods, and

distribution inventory considered owned by the company.

Good inventory turnover values vary by industry and the type of products being handled.

At one extreme, a grocery store chain may turn inventory over 100 times per year.

Values of six to seven are typical for manufacturing firms.

In many situations, particularly when distribution inventory is dominant, weeks of

supply is the preferred measure. This is a measure of how many weeks’ worth of inventory

is in the system at a particular point in time. The calculation is as follows:

​Weeks of supply = ​ ​ ____________________________

Average aggregate inventory value

​ × 52 weeks​ [13.2]

( Cost of goods sold


Weeks of supply

Preferred measure

of supply chain

efficiency that is

mathematically the

inverse of inventory

turn times 52.

When company financial reports cite inventory turnover and weeks of supply, we can assume

that the measures are being calculated firmwide. We show an example of this type of calculation

in the example that follows using Apple Computer data. These calculations, though,

can be done for individual entities within the organization. For example, we might be interested

in the production raw materials inventory turnover or the weeks of supply associated

with the warehousing operation of a firm. In these cases, the cost would be that associated

with the total amount of inventory that runs through the specific inventory. In some verylow-inventory

operations, days or even hours are a better unit of time for measuring supply.

A firm considers inventory an investment because the intent is for it to be used in the

future. Inventory ties up funds that could be used for other purposes, and a firm may have

to borrow money to finance the inventory investment. The objective is to have the proper

amount of inventory and to have it in the correct locations in the supply chain. Determining

the correct amount of inventory to have in each position requires a thorough analysis of the

supply chain coupled with the competitive priorities that define the market for the company’s


Example 13.2: Inventory Turnover Calculation

Apple Computer reported the following information in a recent annual report (all dollar amounts are

expressed in millions):

Total revenue $229,234

Cost of revenue $141,048

Inventory $ 4,855

The cost of revenue corresponds to what we call cost of goods sold. One might think that U.S. companies,

at least, would use a common accounting terminology, but this is not true. The inventory

turnover calculation is

​Inventory turnover = _______ ​ 141,048 ​ = 29.05 turns per year​


This is amazing performance for a high-tech company, but it explains much of why the company is

such a financial success.

The corresponding weeks of supply calculation is

​Weeks of supply = ​ ​ _ 4,855

( 141,048 ​ ​ × 52 = 1.79 weeks ) •

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