The 1995/1996 Household Income, Expenditure - (PDF, 101 mb ...

The 1995/1996 Household Income, Expenditure - (PDF, 101 mb ...

The 1995/1996 Household Income, Expenditure - (PDF, 101 mb ...


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options pagesize=60 i<br />

libname in 'c:\process'i<br />

filename al 'c:\process\hiesindv.dat'i<br />

/*This is the primary file for the calculation of variances */i<br />

/*at the level of individual estimates. <strong>The</strong> household level */i<br />

/*variance calculation files were MAKEVAR.SAS and MAKEVAR2.SAS */i<br />

/*Apply the final weights to the demographic and wage data */i<br />

data mrga(keep=round month gOY urbrur km sv numsv psu resp<br />

indno reI sex age educ lastyr eductype stage yrs marstat<br />

workstat untype look reason empstat days occu econact<br />

sector earner sourcel-source6)i<br />

set in.demi<br />

/*<strong>The</strong> first thing to do is to apply the code patches */;<br />

/*to the data, a necessary thing whenever using wgts */;<br />

if gOV=l and urbrur=l and km=27 and psu=48 then sV=020;<br />

if gov=l and urbrur=l and km=34 and psu=60 then sv=030i<br />

if gov=12 and urbrur=O and km=9 and psu=21 then sv=370i<br />

if gov=12 and urbrur=O and km=16 and psu=ll then sv=210i<br />

if gov=12 and urbrur=O and km=16 and psu=12 then sv=390i<br />

if gov=14 and urbrur=O and km=3 and psu=65 then sV=llOi<br />

if gov=18 and urbrur=O and km=4 and psu=134 then sV=220i<br />

if gov=18 and urbrur=l and sv=OlO and psu=154 then km=12i<br />

if gov=19 and urbrur=O and km=6 and psu=156 then sV=6Pi<br />

if gov=19 and urbrur=l and km=l and psu=227 then sv=20;<br />

if gov=23 and urbrur=O and km=3 and psu=186 then sv=20;<br />

if gov=25 and urbrur=l and km=2 and psu=198 then sv=20;<br />

if gov=28 and urbrur=l and km=6 and psu=216 then sv=20;<br />

if gov=34 and urbrur=O and sv=050 and psu=280 then km=9;<br />

proc sorti<br />

by gOY urbrur km sv PSUi<br />

run;<br />

·,<br />

data mrgb(keep=gov urbrur km sv psu finlwt);<br />

set in.wgts(drop=normwt)i<br />

proc sorti<br />

by gOY urbrur km sv psu;<br />

run;<br />

·,<br />

data mrgl;<br />

merge mrga mrgbi<br />

by gOY urbrur km sv psu;<br />

proc sorti<br />

by round month gOY urbrur km sv numsv indnoi<br />

runi<br />

/*I checked mrgl above, and there are no cases of finlwt=O*****/i<br />

/*However, in any merges using sv, code patches must applY*****/i<br />

/*<strong>The</strong>refore code patches must exist in all mrg files, as above*/i<br />

·,<br />

data sortwage;<br />

set in.wage(rename=(earner=indno»i<br />

if gov=l and urbrur=l and km=27 and psu=48 then sv=020i<br />

if gov=l and urbrur=l and km=34 and psu=60 then sv=030i<br />

if gov=12 and urbrur=O and km=9 and psu=21 then sV=370i<br />

if gov=12 and urbrur=O and km=16 and psu=ll then sv=210i<br />

if gov=12 and urbrur=O and km=16 and psu=12 then sV=390i<br />

if gov=14 and urbrur=O and km=3 and psu=65 then sV=llO;<br />

if gOV=18 and urbrur=O and km=4 and psu=134 then sv=220;<br />

if gov=18 and urbrur=l and sV=OlO and psu=154 then km=12i<br />


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