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demoralized by the enemy’s fierce resistance<br />

and high losses.”<br />

Again, I am not accepting all this as fact, just<br />

showing how other authoritative accounts can<br />

be offered up to challenge all the “authoritative”<br />

reports we are hearing. Meanwhile, a debate<br />

about the war rages in Russia too. Eurasianet<br />

reports: “While most in Moscow believe that an<br />

Iraq war will damage Russian interests, a split is<br />

developing among Russia’s policy-making elite<br />

over how to respond to the outbreak of war. One<br />

side is ready to continue its opposition to war,<br />

while the other says that Russia ought to cooperate<br />

with the inevitable.”<br />

My point is that even the blow by blow of war<br />

reporting can be distorted. That happened in<br />

Vietnam with U.S. forces under pressure to exaggerate<br />

“enemy kills” and downplay their losses.<br />

Last night, former Nixon and Reagan aide Gen.<br />

Alexander “I am in charge here” Haig was back<br />

on Fox News where he called for “more violence.”<br />

Honestly, that is what he told Sean Hannity,<br />

who sat by approvingly. It was another<br />

bloodthirsty performance on the War network.<br />

Better dying through chemistry<br />

LAST night the airwaves crackled with reports<br />

that the Iraqi forces may have chemical<br />

weapons. According to CNN at 10:46 this morning,<br />

Iraqi troops in Baghdad were issued gas-carrying<br />

artillery shells and gas masks, and were<br />

ordered to use those weapons if the allied troops<br />

crossed into the city. No evidence was produced<br />

to substantiate the fear, but it appeared in all the<br />

promos. Remember, the goal of this war,<br />

allegedly, is to disarm Iraq and divest it of its<br />

weapons of mass destruction. The seizure of<br />


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what was described as a chemical plant was cited<br />

initially as PROOF. Former inspector and now<br />

NBC consultant David Kay suggested he believed<br />

that was what the plant was and said the Iraqis<br />

have never declared it. The Jerusalem Post also<br />

claimed it as a smoking gun. Slowly, some information<br />

is trickling out to encourage us to be<br />

more cautious. Remember, the initial reports<br />

were not making the claims we later heard on<br />

NBC or Fox:<br />

“WASHINGTON (CNN) – Pentagon officials on<br />

Sunday said the U.S. military has secured a facility<br />

in southern Iraq that may have been used to<br />

produce chemical weapons. The officials cautioned<br />

that it was not clear what suspected materials<br />

may still be at the plant, which is located in<br />

Najaf, some 90 miles south of Baghdad.”<br />

This can be just in a war where propaganda is<br />

pervasive. (Digression: Quote of the day from<br />

Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter: “The popularity of<br />

this war so far is at least partly due to the human<br />

face of the coverage, a brilliant PR contrast to the<br />

antiseptic briefing-room videogames of what is<br />

now called Gulf War I.” End of Digression.) Leith<br />

Elder writes:<br />

“The discovery of the huge chemical weapons<br />

factory in Najaf is not a discovery. This facility<br />

has been known since about 1991 (document<br />

below).<br />

“. . . Summary: [deleted] Several sites in Iraq<br />

with the capability to produce and store BW<br />

weapons. Although the capability exists, no evidence<br />

of current production or storage was<br />

found. Enclosures. Text 1. Background [deleted]<br />

suspected biological warfare sites. Among the<br />

sites were the Al-Kindi company, An-Najaf, Taji,<br />

the Serum and Vaccine institute, the Agriculture<br />

Research and Water Resources Center, and the

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