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UPDATED - ColdType

UPDATED - ColdType


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We wanted it to be true but it wasn't<br />

By TED RALL<br />

NEW YORK, APRIL 16, 2003 – The stirring image<br />

of Saddam’s statue being toppled on April 9th<br />

turns out to be fake, the product of a cheesy media<br />

op staged by the U.S. military for the benefit of<br />

cameramen staying across the street at Baghdad’s<br />

Palestine Hotel. This shouldn’t be a big surprise.<br />

Two of the most stirring photographs of World War<br />

II – the flag raising at Iwo Jima and General<br />

MacArthur’s stroll through the Filipino surf – were<br />

just as phony.<br />

Anyone who has seen a TV taping knows that<br />

tight camera angles exaggerate crowd sizes, but<br />

even a cursory examination of last week’s statuetoppling<br />

propaganda tape reveals that no more<br />

than 150 Iraqis gathered in Farbus Square to watch<br />

American Marines – not Iraqis – pull down the dictator’s<br />

statue. Hailing “all the demonstrations in the<br />

streets,” Defense Secretary Rumsfeld waxed rhapsodically:<br />

“Watching them,” he told reporters, “one<br />

cannot help but think of the fall of the Berlin Wall<br />

and the collapse of the Iron Curtain.”<br />

Hundreds of thousands of cheering Berliners<br />

filled the streets when their divided city was<br />

reunited in 1989. Close to a million Yugoslavs<br />

crowded Belgrade at the end of Slobodan Milosevic’s<br />

rule in 2000. While some individual Iraqis<br />

have welcomed U.S. troops, there haven’t been<br />

similar outpourings of approval for our “liberation.”<br />

Most of the crowds are too busy carrying off Uday’s<br />

sofas to say thanks, and law-abiding citizens are at<br />

228<br />

home putting out fires or fending off their rapacious<br />

neighbors with AK-47s. Yet Americans<br />

wanted to see their troops greeted as liberators, so<br />

that’s what they saw on TV. Perhaps Francis<br />

Fukuyama was correct – if it only takes 150 happy<br />

looters to make history, maybe history is over.<br />

Actually, they were 150 imported art critics. The<br />

statue bashers were militiamen of the Iraqi<br />

National Congress, an anti-Saddam outfit led by<br />

one Ahmed Chalabi. The INC was flown into Iraq by<br />

the Pentagon over CIA and State Department<br />

protests. Chalabi is Rumsfeld’s choice to become<br />

Iraq’s next puppet president.<br />

Photos at the indispensable Information Clearing<br />

House website place one of Chalabi’s aides at the<br />

supposedly spontaneous outpouring of pro-American<br />

Saddam bashing at Firdus Square.<br />

“When you are moving through this country<br />

there is [sic] not a lot of people out there and you<br />

are not sure they want us here,” Sgt. Lee Buttrill<br />

gushed to ABC News. “You finally get here and see<br />

people in the street feeling so excited, feeling so<br />

happy, tearing down the statue of Saddam. It feels<br />

really good.” That rah-rah BS is what Americans will<br />

remember about the fall of Baghdad – not the probability<br />

that Buttrill, part of the armed force that cordoned<br />

off the square to protect the Iraqi National<br />

Congress’ actors, was merely telling war correspondents<br />

what they wanted to hear. In his critically<br />

acclaimed book “Jarhead,” Gulf War vet<br />

Anthony Swofford writes that Marines routinely lie

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