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NEW YORK,MARCH 19,2003<br />



Liberation by devastation is Bush’s ultimatum to Iraq<br />

BEGIN writing with nearly twelve hours left on President’s Bush’s arbitrary deadline to war. A<br />

higher force may be speaking even if no one is listening. The desert storms in Kuwait are gumming<br />

up the helicopters and cutting visibility to near zero. As Saddam expresses hopes that Baghdad<br />

will resist the Americans as Stalingrad did the Nazis, one must be reminded that it was the<br />

weather, oft named “General Winter,” which slowed Hitler’s blitzkrieg. Today, sandstorms represent<br />

the first threat facing the coalition of the willing. For a cautionary note, read today’s Wall Street<br />

Journal on the obstacles that colonial armies faced in subjugating Arab nations. In physical form, they<br />

signal the fog of war is swirling. In electronic<br />

form, you can see that every hour on TV.<br />

Journalism of death<br />

IN the “official media,” led by the New York Post,<br />

Saddam poses in uniform under a headline that<br />

screams “DEAD MAN.” Under the photo, the<br />

wags of war add this never-subtle thought:<br />

“Butcher tells US come and get me.” It works as<br />

agit prop, not journalism and reminds me of a<br />

headline in Boston back on the day U.S. bombers<br />

brought a Christmas present to the citizens of<br />

Hanoi. That one had another point of view:<br />

“ENEMY BOMBS HANOI.” (I thought of that<br />

after visiting shows by Vietnamese artists in<br />

New York, a completely normal affair that would<br />

have been unthinkable back then, when their<br />

country was demonized.)<br />

91<br />

The fatal mistake<br />

WAR is the news these days. Our TV screens are<br />

filled with images from the front and bluster<br />

from Ari Fleischer in the White House. He said<br />

yesterday that Saddam Hussein made his “final<br />

mistake” by rejecting the Bush ultimatum ordering<br />

him to leave Iraq. Meanwhile, The New York<br />

Times’s Judith Miller reports: “The plan is to<br />

rapidly find, secure and ultimately destroy the<br />

caches of chemical, biological and other unconventional<br />

weapons.”<br />

I have heard many suspicions raised about the<br />

possibility that U.S. troops might plant such<br />

weapons and then dramatically “discover them”<br />

in the manner of so many drug busts in America.<br />

Let’s hope that the military has outsiders with

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