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UPDATED - ColdType

UPDATED - ColdType


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THIS week the horror of war came home to the<br />

media, home to stay. Suddenly the war was not<br />

just another big assignment, or an adventure, or<br />

a chance to score points, or get ratings. Suddenly<br />

it was not a game of action and reaction or mission<br />

and maneuver. It became a real world horror<br />

show as journalists who traditionally seek<br />

distance from the news they report became part<br />

of the story.<br />

In just three weeks, the war in Iraq (or “on<br />

Iraq,” if you serve outlets in the Arab world) has<br />

already claimed more journalists than the number<br />

killed during Gulf War l in l991. Only four<br />

journalists are known to have died then.<br />

Death for media people lurks everywhere on<br />

today’s battlefield – even when you are not on it.<br />

Al Jazeera’s offices and the Arab Media Center<br />

in Baghdad were bombed yesterday, clearly not a<br />

move that will endear the US war to the Arab<br />

world, which relies on the reporting from there.<br />

One Al Jazeera correspondent was killed. US soldiers<br />

reportedly rocketed the Palestine Hotel,<br />

home to most correspondents in Baghdad. As I<br />

write, the toll of dead and injured is not known.<br />

It seems like it’s open season on journalists.<br />

The way death comes<br />


DEATH can take the form of an auto accident, like<br />

the one that took the life of editor-columnist<br />

Michael Kelly who was overconfident that he<br />

would survive a conflict that he boosted in print. It<br />

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could take the form of a friendly-fire incident, like<br />

the bombing of a military convoy that pulverized<br />

BBC translator Kamaran Abdurazaq Muhamed<br />

and wounded the BBC’s star correspondent John<br />

Simpson. Terry Lloyd of Britain’s ITN died in similar<br />

circumstances after being shot by “Coalition”<br />

gunfire near Basra on March 22.<br />

NBC’s David Bloom was struck down by a pulmonary<br />

embolism that could have been linked to<br />

the vehicle he created that allowed him to broadcast<br />

while barreling across the desert. The<br />

action shots of him were captivating, but he may<br />

not have paid attention to his immobilized legs,<br />

which were attacked by a blood clot.<br />

Australian freelance cameraman Paul Moran<br />

was on the scene of a suicide bombing by people<br />

who make little distinction between embedded<br />

journalists and the armies they travel with.<br />

Kaveh Golestan, another freelance cameraman,<br />

an Iranian, was on assignment for the BBC. He<br />

stepped on a landmine.<br />

A German and a Spanish journalist were at a<br />

US base when it was rocketed by Iraqi forces.<br />

Others suffered accidents, like Gaby Rado of<br />

Britain’s Channel 4 News, while two more colleagues<br />

are missing: Fred Nerac and translator<br />

Hussein Othman, both part of Terry Lloyd’s crew.<br />

Missing and captured<br />

AND there are still others. A German and Spanish<br />

journalist died April 7 during an Iraqi missile<br />

attack on a US base. Missing are Wael Awad, a<br />

Syrian reporter working for the Dubai Arabic<br />

TV station al-Arabiya; his partner Talal Fawzi al-<br />

Masri, a Lebanese cameraman; and Ali Hassan<br />

Safa, technician.<br />

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