Fresh Point Magazine - B2B24 - Il Sole 24 Ore

Fresh Point Magazine - B2B24 - Il Sole 24 Ore

Fresh Point Magazine - B2B24 - Il Sole 24 Ore


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temperature control management – explains Jeff<br />

Brandenburg, Jsb Group Consultant, Llc Greenfield,<br />

Usa – can have a positive impact on the quality and<br />

shelf life of fresh-cut produce. It is important to understand<br />

that MAP is only effective if there is consistent<br />

temperature management throughout the entire life<br />

cycle of the product, including processing, as well as<br />

the entire distribution channel. Lack of temperature<br />

control will result in physiological variations that compromise<br />

the effectiveness of the packaging system».<br />

Brandenburg also adds: «Properly designed MAP is<br />

the combination of reduced O2 and increased CO2<br />

within the package, with the optimal combination<br />

being unique to each produce variety. By reducing O 2<br />

concentrations below about 10% around many fresh<br />

fruits and vegetables their respiration rate slows,<br />

which in turn indirectly slows the rates at which they<br />

ripen, age, and decay. In addition, reducing the O 2<br />

concentration can, in some cases, reduce oxidative<br />

browning reactions, which can be of particular concern<br />

in fresh-cut products. By increasing the CO 2<br />

level within the package, CO 2 dissolves in water and<br />

Brandenburg, consulente Jsb Group, Llc Greenfield, Usa<br />

– può avere un impatto positivo sulla qualità e la shelf-life<br />

dei prodotti di IV gamma. È importante comprendere che<br />

il confezionamento in atmosfera modificata è efficace soltanto<br />

qualora il controllo della temperatura sia costante<br />

durante l’intero ciclo di vita del prodotto, dunque anche<br />

durante la lavorazione e su tutta la catena di distribuzione.<br />

Se la temperatura non è sottoposta a continui controlli,<br />

infatti, si verificano variazioni fisiologiche che compromettono<br />

l’efficacia del sistema di confezionamento».<br />

Brandenburg aggiunge che «un’atmosfera protettiva<br />

adeguatamente formulata è la combinazione di ridotto<br />

contenuto di O 2 e concentrazione superiore di CO 2 nella<br />

confezione, una combinazione che varia da prodotto a<br />

prodotto. Riducendo la concentrazione di O 2 al di sotto<br />

del 10% circa, la frequenza respiratoria di molte varietà<br />

di frutta e ortaggi rallenta, causando il conseguente rallentamento<br />

di maturazione, invecchiamento e decomposizione.<br />

Inoltre, la diminuzione dell’O 2 può, in certi<br />

casi, ridurre l’inscurimento dovuto ai processi di ossidazione<br />

che possono costituire un problema per i prodotti<br />

freschi pronti per il consumo. Non solo aumentando il<br />

Where to find information on fresh-cut produce<br />

Dove trovare notizie sulla IV gamma<br />

Information by Adel Kader of the University<br />

of California, Davis (USA)<br />

Cook, R. 2011. Trends in the marketing<br />

fresh produce and fresh-cut products<br />

(Ppt presentation): http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/datastore/234-2115.pdf<br />

U.S. FDA. 2008. Guidance for Industry:<br />

Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety<br />

Hazards of <strong>Fresh</strong>-cut Fruits and Vegetables(http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidance-<br />

Documents/ProduceandPlanProducts/uc<br />

m064458.htm)<br />

<strong>Fresh</strong>-cut and Food Service Equipment<br />

& Supplies(http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/yellowpages/?maincat=40)<br />

Information about optimal processing<br />

and handling procedures for fresh-cut<br />

products:<br />

University of California at Davis, Postharvest<br />

Technology Center’s<br />

“<strong>Fresh</strong>-cut Products: Maintaining Quality<br />

& Safety” workshop materials (http://post -<br />

harvest.ucdavis.edu/files/93535.pdf)<br />

University of Foggia (Italy), Research Unit<br />

on Postharvest Technology, 4 th European<br />

Short-course on “Quality & Safety of <strong>Fresh</strong>cut<br />

Produce” Course Material<br />

(http://www.agraria.unifg.it/en/Departments/PrIME/Course-Schedule/322/)<br />

Barth et al.2004. <strong>Fresh</strong>-cut vegetables<br />

chapter in USDA Handbook 66 (http:// -<br />

www.ba.ars.usda.gov/hb66/147freshcutvegetables.pdf)<br />

Beaulieu and Gorny.2004. <strong>Fresh</strong>-cut fruits<br />

chapter in USDA Handbook 66 (http:// -<br />

www.ba.ars.usda.gov/hb66/146freshcutfruits.pdf)<br />

Informazioni di Adel Kader dell’Università di<br />

California, Davis (Usa)<br />

Cook, R. 2011. Trends in the marketing<br />

fresh produce and fresh-cut products(presentazione<br />

Ppt): http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/datastore/234-2115.pdf<br />

U.S. FDA. 2008. Guidance for Industry: Guide<br />

to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards<br />

of <strong>Fresh</strong>-cut Fruits and Vegetables<br />

(http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/GuidanceDocuments/ProduceandPlanProducts/ucm064<br />

458.htm)<br />

<strong>Fresh</strong>-cut and Food Service Equipment &<br />

Supplies<br />

(http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/yellowpages/?maincat=40)<br />

Information about optimal processing and<br />

handling procedures for fresh-cut products:<br />

University of California at Davis, Postharvest<br />

Technology Center’s<br />

“<strong>Fresh</strong>-cut Products: Maintaining Quality &<br />

Safety” workshop materials (http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/files/93535.pdf)<br />

University of Foggia (Italy), Research Unit on<br />

Postharvest Technology, 4th European Shortcourse<br />

on “Quality & Safety of <strong>Fresh</strong>-cut Produce”<br />

Course Material<br />

(http://www.agraria.unifg.it/en/Departments/PrIME/Course-Schedule/322/)<br />

Barth et al.2004. <strong>Fresh</strong>-cut vegetables chapter<br />

in USDA Handbook 66 (http://www. -<br />

ba.ars.usda.gov/hb66/147freshcutvegetables.pdf)<br />

Beaulieu and Gorny.2004. <strong>Fresh</strong>-cut fruits<br />

chapter in USDA Handbook 66 (http:// -<br />

www.ba.ars.usda.gov/hb66/146freshcutfruits.pdf)<br />

<strong>Fresh</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> n.3 – march/marzo 2012<br />


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