III WVC 2007 - Iris.sel.eesc.sc.usp.br - USP

III WVC 2007 - Iris.sel.eesc.sc.usp.br - USP

III WVC 2007 - Iris.sel.eesc.sc.usp.br - USP


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<strong>WVC</strong>'<strong>2007</strong> - <strong>III</strong> Workshop de Visão Computacional, 22 a 24 de Outu<strong>br</strong>o de <strong>2007</strong>, São José do Rio Preto, SP.Improving the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm in Deconvolution Micro<strong>sc</strong>opyThrough Poisson Noise ReductionHomem, M. R. P.; Zorzan, M. R.; Ma<strong>sc</strong>arenhas, N. D. A.Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de ComputaçãoVia Washington Luís, Km 235, CP 676, CEP: 13.565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazilmurillo rodrigo@dc.uf<strong>sc</strong>ar.<strong>br</strong>; marcelozorzan@yahoo.com.<strong>br</strong>; nelson@dc.uf<strong>sc</strong>ar.<strong>br</strong>AbstractComputational optical sectioning micro<strong>sc</strong>opy is a techniqueto obtain three-dimensional images of micro<strong>sc</strong>opic biologicalspecimens. It consists in obtaining a set of twodimensionaloptical sections of an object where each sectionis acquired by means of a light micro<strong>sc</strong>ope using fluore<strong>sc</strong>encetechniques. However, due to limiting factors in theimaging systems, micro<strong>sc</strong>opic images are always degradedby the micro<strong>sc</strong>ope optics and also by the detection process.Each observed section is a blurred version of the actual imageand it also has contributions of light from other outof-foc<strong>usp</strong>lanes. In this sense, it is important to search forcomputational algorithms that are able to improve the qualityof the three-dimensional observations. The Richardson-Lucy algorithm is one of the most important methods forimage deconvolution in optical sectioning micro<strong>sc</strong>opy andit is often regarded as the algorithm that is able to producethe best results in that application. In this work, we demonstratethat the restored images can be further improved byfirst removing the Poisson noise in the images before applyingthe iterative Richardson-Lucy algorithm. We show thatbetter results are achieved in a similar number of iteractionsand they also have a better quality following the improvementin signal to noise ratio criteria.1. IntroductionThe proper three-dimensional (3D) visualization of cellulararchitectures in biological applications has been consideredin the last twenty years [1]. It is substantially important,because the cell structure and its function are known tobe strongly correlated.Computational optical-sectioning micro<strong>sc</strong>opy (COSM)is recognized as an important tool to reconstruct 3D imagesfrom optical two-dimensional (2D) sections of a fluore<strong>sc</strong>entlystained biological specimen [22]. Considering thatthe specimen is translucid, this technique consists in movingthe focal plane of the micro<strong>sc</strong>ope while a set of 2D imagesare acquired and recorded. In this sense, stacking theset of 2D images forms a 3D image.Commonly, confocal and conventional light micro<strong>sc</strong>opesare used in COSM [25]. The former modality is able to producehigh-quality images because only the light from the regionnear the in-focus plane is detected. However, the costof a confocal equipment is substantially high. In addition,in this modality, the light efficiency and also the sensitivityare less than in a conventional micro<strong>sc</strong>ope, which canbe a problem in experiments where the light efficiency is animportant concern. On the other hand, a conventional micro<strong>sc</strong>ope(also known as widefield micro<strong>sc</strong>ope) is cheaperthan a confocal one and it is particularly valuable for workwith living cells, because it avoids specimen damage due tothe laser light used in confocal micro<strong>sc</strong>opy.However, in both modalities, the quality of the recordeddata is limited by the optical system. This procedure hasthe disadvantage that each optical slice (or the 2D image) isblurred by out-of-focus information. Indeed, each slice ha<strong>sc</strong>ontributions of light from other out-of-focus planes. Theblurring effects come from light diffraction due to the finiteaperture of the micro<strong>sc</strong>ope lens [10]. Particularly, it is importantto note that in conventional micro<strong>sc</strong>opy the blurringeffects are higher than in confocal micro<strong>sc</strong>opy [18].Futhermore, it can be shown that the optical transferfunction of a fluore<strong>sc</strong>ence micro<strong>sc</strong>ope is zero valued formost of the frequencies in the Fourier domain [22]. Then,it removes the image content in the regions where it haszero values. Also, in the region where it has non-zero valuesit works as a low-pass filter and smooth the image.Besides the blurring effects, there are several sourcesof noise that decrease the quality of the images in COSM[18, 24]. It can be shown that the predominant one influore<strong>sc</strong>ence micro<strong>sc</strong>opy is due to the low level of photon<strong>sc</strong>ount. Indeed, the exposure time in fluore<strong>sc</strong>ence micro<strong>sc</strong>opyneeds to be frequently short. It implies that eachimage is acquired under low level of photons count and then133

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