III WVC 2007 - Iris.sel.eesc.sc.usp.br - USP

III WVC 2007 - Iris.sel.eesc.sc.usp.br - USP

III WVC 2007 - Iris.sel.eesc.sc.usp.br - USP


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<strong>WVC</strong>'<strong>2007</strong> - <strong>III</strong> Workshop de Visão Computacional, 22 a 24 de Outu<strong>br</strong>o de <strong>2007</strong>, São José do Rio Preto, SP.Automatic Vehicle Classification Using Learning-based ComputerVision and Fuzzy LogicJailson A. de Brito Jr.Departamento de Ciência da ComputaçãoInstituto de MatemáticaUniversidade Federal da Bahiajailson@dcc.ufba.<strong>br</strong>Luis Edmundo Prado de CamposLaboratório de Geotecnia - DCTME<strong>sc</strong>ola PolitécnicaUniversidade Federal da Bahialedmundo@ufba.<strong>br</strong>AbstractIn this paper, a vision-based system for traffic monitoringis presented. In a frame by frame processing, eachvehicle is detected and extracted from video acquisition.With OpenCV li<strong>br</strong>ary[4] pattern recognition functions,the vehicles axles are recognized. Then with a fuzzy controller,each vehicle is classified according to it’s axle<strong>sc</strong>onfiguration. Obtained classification precision is highenough to provide good results.1. IntroductionIn recent years, issues related with defective roadshave become a significant problem. An action thathelps to offer roads maintenance is the traffic monitoringWith a periodic traffic monitoring collecting informationslike quantity, direction and composition of thevehicle flow that pass in one or more <strong>sel</strong>ected pointsin a road system in a specific time interval, is possibleworking to determine evaluation of capacity, causesof traffic congestion and high levels of accidents as wellas pavement maintenance and projects of new lanes,among others improvements.A proceeding usually used in traffic engineering tocollect traffic data is called direct observation, that consistsin analyzing the traffic behavior as they are, withoutdisturbing it. Usually this task is made by an humanobserver which cannot work under certain weatherconditions and long periods of time. Many research effortshave been made in this area, trying to find goodtraffic monitoring systems, but still there is room forimprovements.A vision-based system is promising since it offers advantageslike better accuracy than no automatic observationsand lower costs comparing with some commercialsensors-based systems.A successful vision system for traffic monitoring applicationmust meet the following requirements: detectall vehicles; correctly detect all types of road vehicles;work under a wide range of traffic conditions - lighttraffic, congestion, varying speeds, varying weatherconditions and different lanes.2. Axles-based ClassificationAccording to DNIT vehicles classification [3], theclass is determined by it’s axles configuration.Figure 1. Example of vehicle adopted in DNITclassification.Each class has a quantity of axles and distances betweenaxles well defined in a certain range. Then is pos-243

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