20.05.2014 Aufrufe

zentralerkreditaussch uss - Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken

zentralerkreditaussch uss - Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken

zentralerkreditaussch uss - Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken


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Category Term Definition<br />

(Key)<br />

Risk indicator<br />

A hard fact measured on a regular basis, which indicates<br />

the operational risk profile of the financial institution. Risk<br />

indicators may allow for a trend analysis over time and may<br />

trigger escalation procedures.<br />

Risk Map<br />

A structured overview of the main components of a firm,<br />

which will be used as a basis to analyse risks, → losses and<br />

problems.<br />

Size indicator<br />

A measure reflecting the size of the individual<br />

firm/business line (used for scaling or relevance adjustments).<br />

Capital<br />

Allocated<br />

capital<br />

The capital a firm has allocated to a business unit according<br />

to some risk measure and/or other considerations of<br />

management.<br />

Economic<br />

capital<br />

The capital which is set aside to cover the risks to which the<br />

firm or part of it confidently believes it is exposed.<br />

Regulatory<br />

capital<br />

The capital charge, which is based on the requirements of<br />

the supervisors to cover risks.

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