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128 ZOOLOGICAL GEOGRAPHY. [part hi.<br />

(in the Nearctic region) to California ; Chamcea, a singultir form<br />

allied to the wrens, and forming a distinct family, is quite pecu-<br />

liar; Geococcyx, a Neotropical form of cuckoo, extends to California<br />

and Southern Texas. The following genera are very character-<br />

istic of the sub-region, and some of them almost confined to<br />

it : Myiadedes (Sylviidfp) ; Psaltriparus (Paridse) ; Cyanocitta,<br />

Picicorvus (Corvidse) ; Hesperi'pliona, Peuccea, Chondestes (Fringil-<br />

lidse) ; Selasphorus, Atthis (Trochilidae) ; Colwrriba, Melopelia<br />

(Columbidse) ;<br />

Oreortyx (Tetraonidse).<br />

Reptiles.— The following genera are not found in any other<br />

part of the Nearctic region : Charina (Tortricidse) ; Lichanotus<br />

(Pythonidse) ; Gerrhonotus (Zonuridse) ; Phyllodactylus (Gecko-<br />

tidse) ; Anolius and Tropidolepis (Iguanidse). Sceloporus (Igu-<br />

anidse) is only found elsewhere in Florida. All the larger North<br />

American groups of lizards and snakes are also represented here<br />

but in tortoises it is deficient, owing to the absence of lakes and<br />

large rivers.<br />

Amphibia.—California possesses two genera of Salamandridse,<br />

Aneides and Heredia, which do not extend to the other sub-<br />

regions.<br />

Fresh-water Fish.—There are two or three peculiar genera of<br />

Cyprinidse, but the sub-region is comparatively poor in this<br />

group.<br />

Plate X VIII. Ulustraiive of the Zoology of California and the<br />

BocJcy Mountains.—We have chosen for the subject of this illus-<br />

tration, the peculiar Birds of the Western mountains. The two<br />

birds in the foreground are a species of grouse (Pedioccetes Colum-<br />

hianus), entirely confined to this sub-region ;<br />

while the only other<br />

species of the genus is found in the prairies north and wesf of<br />

Wisconsin, so that the group is peculiar to northern and western<br />

America. The crested birds in the middle of the picture<br />

(Oreortyx picta), are partridges, belonging to the American sub-<br />

family Odontophorinae. This is the only species of the genus<br />

which is confined to California and Oregon. The bird at the<br />

top is the blue crow {Gymnokitta cyanocephala), confined to the<br />

Eocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada from New Mexico and<br />

Arizona northwards, and more properly belonging to the Central<br />


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