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PDF - Wallace Online


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be estimated from the fact, that Messrs. Salvin and Sclater have<br />

catalogued more than 600 species from the comparatively small<br />

territory of Guatemala, or the portion of Central America between<br />

Mexico and Honduras. The great mass of the birds of this<br />

sub-region are of Neotropical families and genera, but these are<br />

intermingled with a number of migrants from temperate North<br />

America, which pass the winter here ;<br />

with some northern forms<br />

on the high-lands ; and with a considerable number of peculiar<br />

genera, mostly of Neotropical affinities.<br />

The genera of birds peculiar to this sub-region belong to the<br />

following families :—Turdidse. (2 genera) ;<br />

Troglodytidae (1 gen.)<br />

Vireonidse (1 gen.) ; Corvidse (2 gen.) ; Ampelidse (1 gen.)<br />

Tanagridge (1 gen.) ; Fringillidse (2 gen.) ; Icteridse (1 gen.)<br />

Formicariidse (2 gen.) ; Tyrannidse (2 gen.) ; Cotingida3 (1 gen.)<br />

Momotidse (1 gen.); Trogonidse (1 gen.) ; Trochilidae (14 gen.)<br />

Conuridse (1 gen.) ; Cracidse (2 gen.) ; Strigidai (1 gen.) ; in all<br />

37 genera of land-birds. The Neotropical families that do not<br />

extend into this sub-region are, Pteroptochidse ; the sub-family<br />

Furnariincc of the Dendrocolaptidse ; the sub- family Conopha-<br />

gince of the Tyrannidse; the sub-family Eicpicolince of the<br />

Cotingidae ; Phytotomidse ; Todidae ; Opisthocomidse ; Chioni-<br />

didse ; Thinocoridae ; Cariamidse ; Psophiidae ; Eurypygidoe ;<br />

Palamedeidae ; and Struthionidae. On the other hand Paridae,<br />

Certhiidae, Ampelidae, and Phasianidae, are northern families repre-<br />

sented here, but which do not reach South America ; and there<br />

are also several northern genera and species, of Turdidse, Troglo-<br />

dytidae, Mniotiltidae, Vireonidae, Fringillidae, Corvidae, Tetra-<br />

onidae, and Strigidae, which are similarly restricted. Some of<br />

the most remarkable of the Neotropical genera only extend as<br />

far as Costa Eica and Veragua,— countries which possess a rich<br />

and remarkable fauna. Here only are found an umbrella bird,<br />

(Ceph'alopterus gldbricollis) ; a bell bird (Chasmorhynchus tricar-<br />

unculatus) ; and species of Dacnis (Ctroebidae), Butliraupis,<br />

Eucometis, Tachyphonus (Tanagridae), Xiphorhynchus (Dendro-<br />

colaptidae) ; Hypocnemis (Formicariidae) ; Euscarthmus (Tyran-<br />

nidae) ; Attila (Cotingidae) ; Piprites (Pipridae) ; Capito, Tetra-<br />

gonops (Megalaemidae) ; Selenidera (Ehamphastidae) ; Neomorphus

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