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found in Hayti and the other large islands, and it is r.ot im-<br />

probable that species allied to Nasua and Dasypruda did<br />

exist, and have been destroyed by the dogs of the invaders<br />

though, on the other hand, these names may have been applied<br />

to the existing species, which do bear some general resemblance<br />

to these two forms.<br />

The Chiroptera, or bats, are represented by a large number of<br />

species and by several peculiar genera. The American family<br />

of Phyllostomidse or vampires, has six genera in the Antilles, of<br />

which three, Loncliorina, Brachyphylla, and Phyllonyderis, are<br />

peculiar, the latter being found only in Cuba. The Vesperti-<br />

lionidse have four genera, of which one, Nydicellus, is confined to<br />

Cuba. There are six genera of Noctilionidse, of which one,<br />

Phyllodia, is confined to Jamaica.<br />

The Insectivora are represented by the genus Solenodon, of<br />

which two species are known, one inhabiting Cuba the other<br />

Hayti, These are small animals about the size of a cat, with<br />

long shrew-like snout, bare rat-like tail, and long claws. Their<br />

peculiar dentition and other points of their anatomy shows that<br />

they belong to the family Centetidae, of which five different genera<br />

inhabit Madagascar ; while there is nothing closely allied to<br />

them in any other part of the world but in these two islands.<br />

Seals are said to be found on the shores of some of the islands,<br />

but they are very imperfectly known.<br />

The rodents belong to the family Octodontidse, or, according<br />

to some authors, to the Echimyidse, both characteristic South<br />

American groups. They consist of two genera, Capromys, con-<br />

taining three or four species inhabiting Cuba and Jamaica<br />

while Plagiodontia (very closely allied) is confined to Hayti.<br />

A peculiar mouse, a species of the American genus Hcsperomys,<br />

is said to inhabit Hayti and Martinique, and probably other<br />

islands. A Dasyproda or agouti, closely allied to, if not identical<br />

with, a South American species, inhabits St. Vincent, St. Lucia,<br />

and Grenada, and perhaps St. Thomas, and is the only mammal<br />

of any size indigenous to the Lesser Antilles. All the islands<br />

in which sugar is cultivated are, however, overrun with European<br />

rats and mice, and it is not improbable that these may have

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