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590<br />

Neotropical region, fresh-water fishes of, ii. 12<br />

summary of vertebrates of, ii. 13<br />

insects of, ii. 13<br />

land-sliells of, ii. 19<br />

marine shells of, ii. 20<br />

summary of past history of, ii. 80<br />

tables of distribution of animals of, ii. 84<br />

Neotropical sub-regions, ii. 21<br />

Neoziphius, ii. 208<br />

Nephcecetes, ii. 320<br />

NejJtis, ii. 474<br />

NERIIIDjE, ii. 510<br />

Ncritina, it. 510<br />

Neropkis, ii. 457<br />

Nesoceleus, ii. 303<br />

Nesocichla, ii. 256<br />

Nesodon, S. American Pliocene, 1. 147<br />

Nesomys, ii. 230<br />

Nesonetta, ii. 304<br />

Nesopsar, ii. 282<br />

Nessia, ii. 399<br />

Nestor, ii. 329<br />

NESTORIDiE, Ii. 329<br />

Nettapus, ii. 363<br />

Neusterophis, ii. 376<br />

Newberry, Dr., on Cretaceous and Tertiary<br />

floras of N. America, ii. 155<br />

Newton, Professor, on position of Mennridte<br />

and Atrichiidx, i. 95<br />

on birds of Iceland, i. 198<br />

on Neotropical sub-regions, ii. 25<br />

on genus Camptokemus, ii. 39<br />

on peculiar genera of Nearctic and Neotropical<br />

birds, ii. 118<br />

on family Panuridce, ii. 262<br />

Newtonia, ii. 270<br />

Newts, ii. 413<br />

New Caledonia, birds of, i. 444<br />

New Guinea, zoology of, i. 409<br />

mammalia of, i. 410<br />

birds of, i. 411<br />

peculiarities of its ornithology, i. 413<br />

illustration of ornithology of, i. 414<br />

reptiles and amphibia of, i. 415<br />

insects of, i. 416<br />

New Zealand, objections to making a primary<br />

zoological region, i. 62<br />

extinct birds of, i. 164<br />

sub-region, description of, i. 449<br />

compared with British Isles, i. 449<br />

mammalia of, i. 451<br />

islets of, i. 453<br />

illustration of ornithology of, i. 455<br />

reptiles of, i. 456<br />

amphibia of, i. 457<br />

fresh-water fish of, 1. 457<br />

insects of, i. 458<br />

Longicorns of, i. 458<br />

Myriapoda of, i. 458<br />

land-shells of, i. 459<br />

ancient fauna of, i, 460<br />

origin of fauna of, i. 460<br />

poverty of insects in, i. 462<br />

relations of insect-fauna and flora of, i. 472<br />

Nicator, ii. 272<br />

Nicobar Islands, their zoological relations,<br />

i. 332<br />

Nightingale, migration of the, i. 21<br />

Night-jars, ii. 319<br />

Nigidius, ii. 493<br />

Nigrita, ii. 286<br />

Nilaus, ii 272<br />

Niltava, ii. 270<br />

Ninox, ii. 350<br />

Nisaetus, ii. 348<br />

Nisoides, ii. 348<br />


Nisoniades, ii. 480<br />

NOCTILIONIDiE, ii. 184<br />

Nocturnal tree snakes, ii. 379<br />

Nonmda, ii, 311<br />

Norbea, ii. 397<br />

Norfolk Island, birds of, i, 453<br />

Nortli Africa, zoological relatiens of, i. 202<br />

North America, remarks on Post-Pliocene,<br />

fauna of, 1. 130<br />

Post-Pliocene fauna of, partly derived from<br />

S. America, i. 131<br />

extinct birds of, i. 163<br />

Northern Hemisphere, zoological importance<br />

of, ii. 155<br />

NOTACANTHI, ii. 437<br />

Notaden, ii. 415<br />

Notharctos, N. American Tertiary, 1. 133<br />

Nothocerus, ii. 344<br />

Nothocrax, ii. 343<br />

Nothoprocta, ii. 344<br />

Nothura, ii. 344<br />

NOTIDANIDiE, ii. 461<br />

Notiophilus, ii. 489<br />

Notodela, ii. 259<br />

Notoglanis, ii. 443<br />

Notonomus, ii. 490<br />

NOTOPTERIDiE, ii. 455<br />

Notopholis, ii. 391<br />

Notomis of New Zealand, i. 455<br />

Notornis, ii. 352<br />

Notothermm, Australian Post-Tertiary, i. 157<br />

ii. 251<br />

Nototrema, ii. 418<br />

Noturus, ii. 442<br />

Nvcifraga, ii 273<br />

NUCLEO-BRANX'HIATA. li 531<br />

Nucras, ii. 891<br />

Numenius, ii. 3.')3<br />

NUMIDIN^, ii. 340<br />

Numida, ii. 340<br />

Nuria, ii. 452<br />

Nuthatches, ii. 265<br />

Nutria, ii. 199<br />

NycMa, ii. 350<br />

Nyctahitinus, ii. 350<br />

Nyctalemon, ii. 482<br />

Nyctalops, ii. 350<br />

Nyctea, ii. 350<br />

Nyctereutes, ii. 197<br />

Nycteris, ii. 182<br />

Nyctibius, ii. 319<br />

Nycticorax, ii. 359<br />

Nyctidromius, ii. 320<br />

Nyctiornis, ii. 312<br />

Nyctipithecus, ii. 175<br />

Nyctiprogne, ii. 320<br />

Nymphalis, ii. 474<br />

NYMPHALID^, ii. 473<br />

Nymphicus, ii. 325<br />

Nymphidium, ii. 476<br />

Ochetobius, ii. 452<br />

Ochotherium, in Brazilian caves, i. 145<br />

ii. 245<br />

OchthcBca, ii. 100<br />

Ochthodiceta, ii. 100<br />

Octndontid(e, S. American Pliocene, i. 147<br />

OCTODONTIDiE, ii. 237<br />

Ortodon, ii. 238<br />

OCTOPODIDiE, ii. 505<br />

Ocyalus, ii. 282<br />

Ocydromvs, ii. 352<br />

Ocyphaps, ii. 333<br />


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