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Geese, ii. 363<br />

Oehyra, ii. 400<br />

Genera common to Post-Pliocene and Pliocene<br />

faunas of N. America, i. 132<br />

Genetta, ii. 195<br />

Genidens, ii. 443<br />

Geobates, ii. 103<br />

Geobiastes, ii. 312<br />

Geodchla, ii. 256<br />

Geococcyx, ii. 309<br />

Geocolaptes, ii. 304<br />

GEODEPHAGA, ii. 486<br />

Geoffroyus, ii. 326<br />

Geographiol zoology, introduction, ii. 167<br />

materials for, ii. 168<br />

Geological history of Oriental region, i. 362<br />

Geology and Physical Geottraphy of the<br />

Antilles, ii. 62, 79<br />

Geomelania, ii. 519<br />

Geomys, ii. 233<br />

Geopelia, ii. 332<br />

Geophaps, ii. 333<br />

Geophagus, ii. 439<br />

Geopsittacus, ii. 325<br />

Georissa, ii. 522<br />

Georychus, ii. 231<br />

Geositta, ii. 103<br />

Geospiza, ii. 284<br />

Geothlypis, ii. 279<br />

Geotrochus, ii. 523<br />

Geotryon, ii. 383<br />

Geotryp^ts, ii. 190<br />

Geranospiza, ii. 347<br />

Gerbillus, ii. 230<br />

ii. 232<br />

Geronticus, ii. 360<br />

Gerrhonotiis, ii. 392<br />

Gerrhosaurus, ii. 392<br />

GERBID.*;, ii. 438<br />

Gervasia, ii. 260<br />

Gerygone, ii. 258<br />

Giant-Clams, ii. 534<br />

Gibbon, ii. 171<br />

Gibraltar, cave fauna of, i. 114<br />

Giraffes, ii. 221<br />

Girardinus, ii. 450<br />

Glacial epoch, as affecting the distribution of<br />

animals, i. 40<br />

as a cause of the great change in the<br />

fauna of the temperate zones, since<br />

Pliocene times, i. 151<br />

probably simultaneous in both hemispheres,<br />

i. 151<br />

causing a general subsidence of the<br />

ocean, i. 152<br />

Glandina, Eocene, i. 169<br />

ii. 515<br />

Glareola, ii. 355<br />

GLAREOLID^, ii. 355<br />

Glaucis, ii. 107<br />

Olaucidium, ii. 350<br />

Glauconeza, ii. 536<br />

Glaucopis, ii. 481<br />

Gliciphila, ii. 275<br />

GIU, ii. 232<br />

GlobiocephahiSfii. 209<br />

Glossoptila, ii. 278<br />

Glossotheri7im, in Brazilian caves, i. 145<br />

S. American Pliocene, i. 147<br />

ii. 247<br />

Glycimeris, ii. 536<br />

Glyphidodon, ii. 437<br />

Glyphoglossus, ii. 416<br />

Glyphorhynchvs, ii. 103<br />

Glyptodon, S. American Pliocene, i. 147<br />

Glyptosternum, ii. 443<br />

GENERAL INDEX. m:.<br />

Gnaphodes, ii. 471<br />

Gnathodon, ii. 536<br />

Gnathcypsis, S. American Pliocene, i. 147<br />

Goats, Palsearctic, i. 182<br />

ii. 221<br />

Goat-suckers, ii. 519<br />

GOBIESOCIDiE, ii. 436<br />

GOBIlDiE, u. 430<br />

Gobio, ii. 452<br />

Golius, ii. 430<br />

Godman, Mr., on Natural History of the<br />

Azores, i. 207<br />

Golden Moles, S. African, i. 267<br />

Goliathi, ii. 494<br />

Gonepteryx, ii. 478<br />

Goniodactylus, ii. 400<br />

Gongylophis, ii. 382<br />

Gonorhynchida;, ii 453<br />

Gonyocephalus, ii. 402<br />

Gonyosoma, ii..379<br />

Gouldia, ii. 107<br />

Goura, ii. 333<br />

Graadavus, N. American Cretaceous, i. 164<br />

Gralhe, arrangement of, i. 97<br />

peculiar or characteristic Palaearctic genera,<br />

i. 249<br />

peculiar Ethiopian genera of, i. 31<br />

peculiar Oriental genera of, 386<br />

peculiar Australian genera of, i. 486<br />

GRALL.E, ii. 351<br />

general remarks on the distribution of, iL<br />

362<br />

Grallaria, ii. 104<br />

Grallaricula, ii. 104<br />

Grallina, ii. 273<br />

Grammatopkonis, ii. 402<br />

Grammatoptila, ii. 261<br />

Grampus, ii. 209<br />

Granatellus, ii. 279<br />

Grandala, ii. 259<br />

Graphidnrus, ii. 232<br />

Graphipterus, ii. 491<br />

Graticah^s, ii. 268<br />

Gray, Dr. J. E., on classification of Cetacea, i.<br />

88<br />

Grayia, ii. 376<br />

Grayson, Col , on birds of Tres Marias, ii. 59<br />

Grebes, ii. 367<br />

Greece, Upper Miocene deposits of, i. 115<br />

summary of Miocene fauna of, i. 116<br />

Green Bulbuls, ii. 267<br />

Greenland, zoology of, ii. 138<br />

Greenlets, ii. 280<br />

Groups peculiar to a region, how defined, iL<br />

184<br />

Grouse, ii. 328<br />

GRUID^, ii. 356<br />

Grus, ii. 357<br />

Grypsicus, ii. 421<br />

Grypus, ii. 107<br />

Guacharo, ii. 107<br />

Guans, ii. 342<br />

Guaraunas, ii. 357<br />

Giibernatrix, ii. 285<br />

Guillemots, ii. 267<br />

Guira, ii. 309<br />

Guiraca, ii. 285<br />

Gulick, Rev. J. T., on Aehatinellidue of the<br />

Sandwich Islands, i. 446<br />

Gulls, ii. 364<br />

Gulo, iL 199<br />

Giinther, Dr., his classification of reptiles,<br />

i. 98<br />

his classification of fishes, i. 101<br />

on gigantic tortoises of Galapagos and the<br />

Mascarene Islands, i. 289

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